
Thursday, May 10, 2012

Happy Birthday Mollie!

On news stands tomorrow the 11th (at least in the UK) is Mollie Makes Birthday Issue! Wow, time flies! As a special treat they are bundling issue #14 with a free "Let's Get Hitched!" wedding magazine. How cool is that?

I feel especially honored to have been featured in the very first issue of Mollie Makes last year.

Which is available as a FREE digital download for Apple users until June 8th!

I am also excited to have my Pretty Patchy Paper Lanterns shown off in this birthday issue! If you want to know how to make your own, just click the link above to take you to the tutorial!

So happy, happy birthday Mollie Makes! I hope there is lots of cake!

Thanks for all the love!


  1. The magazine is so tired! I bought the 2nd edition which was really nice but there has been nothing new or that isn't already on the internet or as a book, in it. And it is expensive. It annoys me to pay all that money to find patterns from a book I already have, pictures I have already seen and the same lay out month after month. They let themselves down yet it did have potential. This isn't a dig at you your things are lovely. They need to work harder at putting together an original looking magazine with fresh projects that we haven't seen before.

  2. Congratulations, on being included in the magazine again, lovely idea. I haven't bought all issues but will be buying the anniversary one.
    Carol xx

  3. Happy birthday Mollie. My copy has been sitting unopened for a day or two. I shall now rush off and have a browse!

  4. Look at your gorgeous dresses up there in your header! Lovely! So full of good things this magazine, have a great weekend..x

  5. Oh, I can't wait for this to come out!! Love the Mollie Makes!! Thanks for sharing!! Have a great night!! xo Heather

  6. I love, love, love Mollie Makes magazine. I eagerly wait for its arrival at my local Barnes and Noble. Have you checked out Making? It is a good one, too!

  7. I see you've got your creative juices back, have been eyeing up your beautiful prairie dresses and lovely new header. Can't believe MM is a year old!

    Take care, you.

  8. love this magazine.congrats on the 2nd feature :)

  9. First off - Congratulations to "Mollie Makes" on their first year. And, congratulations to you on your tutorial on the sweet lanterns. I'm glad that it is in the magazine so we can refer back to it. So many times we see something on a blog post and say to ourselves "such a great idea, I'll have to try that." Then we forget about it as we go on our way. Now that I see this in the link you added, I remember saying that very thing to myself back then and certainly appreciate my memory being refreshed and an opportunity to have it at my fingertips to refer to through the years...even pass along.

    As for "Anonymous", it is always quite interesting the strong opinions of this nameless and faceless author. I have seen Anonymous on many occasions through out blog land and feel a bit embarrassed for him/her and the obvious ignorance on so many subjects....poor thing.

    Have a very Happy Mother's Day my dear friend. xxoo

  10. Congratulations. Look what happened while I was on leave of absence... you became famous. Hooray for you and Happy Birthday Mollie Magazine!

    (esp Hooray for you)


I do so love you taking the time to leave a word, I read every comment and they truly make my day! Unfortunately, at this time I am unable to accept "Anonymous" comments.