
Monday, August 13, 2012

In the blink of a Summer

Hello friends!

This lovely Summer has sped by, full of goodness and running hither and yon. So much to catch up on here, maybe just a couple of highlights for now.

The very lovely and rather feisty Jess from Teddy Bear's Wednesday flew all the way from Melbourne, Australia to Portland, Oregon for a visit! We had a fantastic time, so good to meet her "in the fur" as she would say. She even came along on our annual trip to Pickathon, a local music festival. It was a truly special visit and wonderful to spend time in the garden chatting away. Jess and The Buddha Cat made fast friends and since she has left, he seems a bit down. Jess has also got us shouting "Aussie Oy Oy Oy!" at random moments around the house. Thanks for everything Jess, so glad you came to visit our silly family, we were so happy to have you here!

We have been enjoying the harvest from our garden, even though we have been a bit neglectful of it. Thanks to The Engineer and his buddy, we have a new beautiful fence in the back yard, thanks darlin'!

And of course, this one has been growing like a weed.

Oh my, I can see that I am out of the habit of this bloggy business, I'm going to have to sharpen my skills and get back into the swing of things. Looks like it's time to plug back in and see what all of you have been up to while I went underground!

Do tell, what have been some of your highlights of the last couple of months?


  1. It's great to spend time with friends, especially when they live so far away! We have been busy doing all the usual summer holiday stuff, craming in as much seaside time as we can and getting out in the sun when it comes from behind the clouds! Ada :(

  2. Ahh summer! I was so excited to see that Jess was way over at your place for a visit, how fantastic to meet a bloggy friend from so far away, it's wonderful! You Pony Girl sure has stretched out..x

  3. That is such a fabulous pic of you two. Check the grins!

  4. Such a greta photo of you two!! So glad you have been enjoying your summer!! Wishing you a most lovely week! xo Heather

  5. It's so cool that Jess flew all the way to the other side of the world to meet you! She is one of the loveliest and sweetest peeps you ever could meet!

  6. Oh wow, what a great momento of a fun visit that pic of you both is. I don't know Jess's blog so I'll be off to pay her a visit when I've typed this.

    Summer's do have a habit of whizzing by, and adding inches to one's children!

  7. It was truly special wasn't it! And so much fun!! thank you so much Alex and your wonderful family and cat ( glad to know i'm being missed, i'm yet to be forgiven by the demon cat here)
    PS god I've really spoilt australians for you haven't I? we are not all bogans like me

  8. Oh it is so good to see you and Jess laughing together! And Pony Girl is looking more like a teenager since the Summer!You all look wonderful!

  9. Pony Girl is looking more and more like Pony woman :). What busy months summer has been - but happy ones. I've never met a blogging friend in person but someday hope to. I think it's the neatest thing ever!


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