
Monday, September 3, 2012

A Very Big Day for Lola Nova!

I am so very giddy and a little overwhelmed to announce that my book Simple Sewing with Lola Nova by Alexandra Smith, is making it's big debut today in the UK! My book is now upon the shelves of booksellers in London and across the UK!

I would like to be one of those folks who casually mentions the release of my book as if it were a nice little bit of information and smile sweetly as if it were no big thing. The truth is it's all a bit surreal and really overwhelming to see one's work all laid out in glorious color. It is a gorgeous hardback book with those thick quality matte pages that draw you in, beautifully designed by Anita Mangan, and all around more than I could hope for!

I will tell you that I am proud of my work and I put my heart and soul into this book. It was a long and crazy journey that has taught me so much. It would not have been possible with out you my wonderful friends and readers, so thank you so very much.

Simple Sewing with Lola Nova published by Mitchell Beazley is available at various booksellers in the UK today!

Or you can order it online at:
Amazon UK
The Book Depository

The US release is in Spring 2013 and will be available in US bookstores then. You can also pre-order from

And just as soon as I receive them, I will have signed copies available through my Etsy shop, I will keep you posted!

Oh, and if you didn't know, my book is part of the Creative Makers series. Also being released today is Simple Crochet by Sara Sinaguglia, I can't wait to have a look at that too!

Again thank you my friends for being part of my big day!

Have a wonderful week!



  1. Yeah for you! How exciting. I'm sure much creative joy awaits inside. Congratulations.

  2. Congratulations Lola. Can't wait to see your book.


  4. I am so proud of you my dear Alex and know exactly what it takes to write a book & I had a buddy to do it are fab can't wait to see a copy dxx

  5. Oh my gaaaaaaaawwwwd that's so wonderful. I'd love to create a fabulous book like that. You clever devil, you must be awfully proud of yourself!! Wow xxx I feel a purchase coming on xx

  6. Alex, this is so exciting! I'm off to look at Amazon...

  7. Wow - such good value! I bought it straight away and they're even doing free UK delivery (which means my Ps in L will find another little parcel on their doorstep for Ben to collect this weekend - hurray for family connections!) I'm so excited, Alex...

  8. Fantastic! Such an achievement - very well done. You must be so pleased! And I am putting it on my Christmas list right away ...

    Pomona x

  9. Congratulations! I will look out for it! Well done! Ada :)

  10. Congratulations, how exciting!!! :)
    Vivienne x

  11. Did you ever know that you're my heeeeeeeeeero??

  12. Wohooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!
    I would be disappointed if you were to mention it casually. This is HUGE!!!! And so terribly excititng.
    Congratulations. xxxxx

  13. This is SOOOO exciting Alex!!!
    Congratulations on a gorgeous book!!XXXJ

  14. Sooooooooo darn exciting!!! Shout it from the rooftops!

  15. I'm so excited for you!!! I pre-ordered from Amazon just the other day, but I'm not sure I can wait! I hope you have a little Lola party to celebrate. For some reason I see chickens in party hats clucking around your feet! All good things you deserve my friend!

  16. SO so so exciting and HUGE congratulations to you!!
    and i agree with Kate, it's a very BIG amazing thing and not to be mentioned casually xo

  17. Congratulations!! So excited for you, and can't wait to get a copy when they come out in the US!! Yay!! It looks so beautiful! xo Heather

  18. Congrats!!! That is really exciting news. I can't wait till it comes to the US so I can get a copy :)

  19. I was the same way the first time I was published I didn't even tell my stitching friends one of them saw it in the magazine before I could tell them but my dad says "if you want people to notice you, you have to shake the bushes no one gunna do it for you!" so tell everyone it's a great accomplishment and you deserve it after all your hard work. I can't wait to see it and congrats!!!

  20. S'marvellous! Can't wait to see it, I know it'll be one I use over and over. Congratulations! So so exciting.

  21. It looks wonderful, I've ordered it already

  22. Congratulations! I look forward to the US release in the spring. The word "simple" is drawing me in!

  23. well done, very exciting to write a book! Heather

  24. YahOooooooOOOoooooooooooooo!!!!! So excited for you!! such fabulous news!

  25. I am so very excited for you! :)

  26. Congratulations on your book! It looks really great too. I'm adding it to my Christmas wish list now!

    S x

  27. Amazing! How did I miss this post before? I am so happy for you! :-) I also can't wait to get my hands on a copy when it reaches the states. I will be looking forward to it. I cant so worth a toot, so hopefully you can help me out! :-)

  28. Oh Lola! what can I say?
    I received my book in the post this morning, have already blogged about it!
    Simply divine.
    Now the housework will remain unfinished until the weekend... I'm inspired to sew right NOW.
    With Very Best wishes and many congrats
    from Daisy

  29. Oh, but it is SUCH a big deal. It looks wonderful. Congratulations!

  30. Very cool! And how exciting. I'll be picking up this book ASAP. :)

  31. The cover is beautiful! So happy for you. Its been a long time a comin'.

  32. The cover is beautiful! So happy for you. Its been a long time a comin'.


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