
Friday, September 14, 2012

Old School Me

Happy Friday!
Today I am playing along with Pip from Meet Me at Mike's, who has started a Friday meme photo sharing game. Just share an old school pic of yourself for all to see! Yes, the thought is enough to make one cringe and yell "No way!" Yet, here I am jumping in.

This is the 3rd grade me. Already a little 'Lola' in the works with my 1940's vintage bow holding barrette. The dress was amazing too as I recall, I loved it; long sleeved maxi length and fancy!

I still think of Miss Kerr as my favorite teacher ever! She was so encouraging and lovely. You can't see it here, but in the class pic there is a guitar in the corner and Miss Kerr would play it. She really fostered my love of reading and writing, I can still remember writing my first "epic poem" in her class. I also remember having a fairly massive crush on the little boy in the front with the embroidered western shirt.

If you wanna see some other folks Old School Me or to join in click HERE

Also, this is the last day to enter my giveaway HERE. Comments will be open until midnight Pacific Standard Time. I will announce the winners on Monday!

Have a wonderful weekend lovelies!

P.S. Thankfully I grew into my teeth :)


  1. So so cute! I love old photos and remembering favorite childhood garb!

  2. Oh my, you really haven't changed. What a brilliant couple of photos, I must dig out mine!

  3. It's amazing how similar we all looked in the 70s! Think I would have had a crush on him too!
    School is still going very well! Ada :)

  4. Love this idea! I had one of those awe inspiring teachers too - my 2nd grade teacher Mrs. Sullivan. Just goes to show how much of an impact a teacher can make.

  5. Fab pictures. I'm not sure I have any of me at school, what a shame. There is always an inspiring teacher with a guitar some where in our pasts isn't there? Mine was Miss Hollow my very first teacher. I was then and suspect am still now a little bit in love with her!

  6. Now Lola!

    that could be your daughter... amazing are our 'jeans'??

    Bestest as alway


  7. how cute! :)
    i'm not even sure if i can find mine :0

  8. Wow - it looks like we could have been in the same school! I was in the States in 1973 - 1976, and then again in 1979. Your photos are lovely and REALLY take me back!

  9. What a fabulous idea. Love the photo of you, so open and cheery and it's still so like the you of now.


  10. brilliant photos! You had a maxi dress! at school, so cool! Heather

  11. Love these sweet photos! You were so adorable! Thanks for sharing! xo Heather

  12. Omg, you had your ears pierced in the 3rd grade?! I had to wait until I was in 4th grade! :P


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