
Monday, September 24, 2012

Serious Business

Hello Monday! Hello friends!

I have discovered a whole heap of admin type busy work that needs doing. Whilst I'm at it, I figured it was also time for a little shine and polish on my place here. So, for the next few days I am going to be nose to the grindstone, fingers to the keyboard and all that sort of serious business. If you stop by and see that things are out of place, a bit askew, and generally wonky, that's just me mucking about. Here's hoping I don't get myself in a sticky mess whilst at it.

I hope to be back by weeks end with a bit of very exciting news!

So until then, have a lovely week!


  1. good luck my dear....all will be well xx

  2. Oh my..don't remind me! There are 'piles' calling to me from all of the corners here!!

    Good luck dear, with all of your business..See you at the end..looking forward to the exciting news!

  3. Sounds like a good plan! Looking forward to the exciting news..x

  4. Is that mucking about or mucking out?

  5. Have fun fiddling. I usually make a bigger mess before I get it all cleaned up, but it's worth it in the end. :)

  6. Hope you have a good week and looking forward to hearing your news!

    Pomona x


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