
Monday, October 15, 2012

London Workshop This Sunday!

Just a last reminder from me before I finish packing my bags and head off to London town.
My Sewing Whimsy Workshop is this coming Sunday, October 21st
5 - 7 p.m.
At: Bermondsey Fayre
212 Bermondsey Street
SE1 3TQ London
and there are still some openings available!

Please register for the workshop HERE!

All supplies will be provided. Copies of my book will be for sale. If you already have a copy of my book please bring it along and I'll be happy to sign it for you!

We will be making whimsy and putting together some really fun hand sewing projects based on items from my book, as well as stretching beyond the book! There will be lots of laughter and good company as well!

I am incredibly fortunate to have a very glamorous assistant on hand as well! She is quite the expert and I am so excited to have her along.

You really don't want to miss it!


Well my friends, I am giddy with anticipation. I will do my best to pop in from time to time whilst on my travels. You might also find me on the Twitter, Instagram and my Facebook Page

Until then, Cheers!


  1. Oh my I wish that I could be there in person, but since that is not possible, I will most certainly be there in spirit. I look forward to seeing little 'Tweets' from you as you spread you wings in another land.

    Much love to you and safe travels. xo

  2. Oh the glamour! Can I live up to the job? Bloomin hope so! xx

  3. Oh I wish I still lived in London!!!
    Hope you have a safe trip and a great time!xxJ

  4. sherri B just sent me your link, I've wanted to follow your blog for ages!

    I shan't make it up to the city for your class but if you're travelling south please get in touch- very English tea and cakes await- with a (not very professional) homemade cushion on which to rest your weary legs!

  5. You will have so much fun! It's been so long since I was in London - 1974!! I wish you a beautiful workshop!

    Nancy in Iowa

  6. New follower via Mollie Makes! Love your shop and blog.

  7. I can't wait! An evening of handstitching in good company - sounds perfect!! See you soon... x


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