
Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Today there is a big wind sweeping the sky, liberating the leaves from the branches and tossing up a change. The Indian Summer is giving up it's foothold and passing the days over to Fall. There is suddenly an abundance of squirrels in the garden frantically scurrying, burying and scolding. I am wearing a sweater indoors for the first time in a long time, wishing I had a sweater with pockets, for I do love a handy pocket.

Today there is a menagerie underfoot, wee animals in groups of twos and threes and fours scattered from one end of the cottage to the other. It is very important to my girl that her four legged friends form families, so that no one is all alone. The polar bears were discovered in the fridge this morning when I reached for the milk.

Today I am studying maps, organizing collections, and wondering aloud. Today I promised my girl we would bake something sweet together after school, something with berries and cream. We will talk about the day and have two spoons to lick clean.

Today I have decided it is high time I got something going on the hook again, and the dust settling on my sewing machine creates a deep longing to spend time with my old friend. The wind has stirred up my creative sap and today I am dreaming up what I will make with my hands.

That is my today.

Tomorrow I sew!

What is your Today?

P.S. Thank you everyone who left me such wonderful comments on my last post and fantastic recommendations for my travels, what a wealth of information! especially to Patti who went above and beyond, I had no way to reply to your comment, I so appreciate it!


  1. It sounds like perhaps the 'Ark' has landed somewhere in your vicinity and how wise of the polar bears to find their way to your north cute.

    As you found when you stopped by my place, I have a date with a bunch of instructions, plugs and cables and if all does not work out....well, I will probably be spending sometime on the phone with a man and his foreign accent. xo

  2. Today I have nearly finished a quilt top, and started sorting fabric for another. I think I have my head in the sand about backing and quilting ...

    Pomona x

  3. A boring day here for me today.
    I am loving your new banner.

  4. my day is a lazy day-napping and helping kids finish their homework ;)
    love your new banner :)

  5. Today I finished another little bunny called Autumn!
    The fridge sounds like a perfectly reasonably place for polar bears to live. :)
    Vivienne x

  6. I thought I was the only one who found toys in the fridge lol. Today was frantic and won't settle until Sunday - I'm trying desperately to make myself focus on the task at hand - making things for an art show on Friday.

  7. Love your new header!! So sweet! Happy baking some sweet and sewing!!! xo Heather

  8. Today I'm finally going to sort through our family holiday photos and print them ready to make handmade albums for my young twins as a keepsake. Cup of tea first though :-)

  9. Hello Missus. Today I am SO SO close to finishing off my jumper .. it has pockets, yay!
    Sending you an email this evening xoxoxox

  10. Today is hot cocoa and a Harry Potter marathon (with kitten sleeping on lap). Yay for fall!

  11. I feel those Autumnal stirrings too (although today it is back up to 80 degrees, what the-?!). Sometimes, though, with the cooler air and darker skies, I find I don't get past the thinking-about. I'm hoping that's not true this time.

    Also: polar bears in the fridge. Love it!

  12. What a lovely day you had. We've still got some sunshine but, yes, you do need a jumper.
    Carol xx

  13. All Summer long i worked in my gardens, helping the fairies fight back the weeds. Now that the cooler weather is here, i'm back to making apple and pumpkin dumpling hats and knitted bunnies and teddy bears. I love the cooler weather. The end of the growing season gives you more time to sit and read and think. Love you, mare


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