
Friday, January 25, 2013

It is time to say so long old friend

Well, we knew this day would come.

It is time to say goodbye to "The Couch that Mocks Me". And even though I have mocked you right back and have moaned your awkward, unflattering ways... you have served us well and taken it all in good humor. Perhaps we were too hard on you, or it could just be your time. You were quite willing to be dressed up and down, and bravely went on, so thanks.

Though you may be propped up with books and bits of firewood, your bench gone all kerplonkety and difficult to sit upon, your mechanics falling to pieces, your inners flopping out... we will take our time saying goodbye as careful thought must be put into selecting your replacement.

Your January clothes a little plain, but that's ok.

So long old friend, you will mock me no more.

Tis just the tiniest bit sad, but I will be brave.

Have a lovely weekend all!


  1. you know when it's time....maybe someone else will find you! Heather x

  2. And so ends an impressive if mocking chapter.

  3. Yea but just think a new un-mocking couch! :)
    Happy weekend,
    Vivienne x

  4. And there you have the beauty of blogging: forever documentation of your old friend for those times when you're feeling nostalgic. If you have laptop or phone access to the web, you'll be able to sniffle and smile whilst sitting on the new and improved version. :)

  5. Nooooo! What is my sofa that mocks me ('le canapé qui se moque de moi') going to do without its transatlantic cousin? I've always felt so much better knowing that it wasn't alone...

  6. Awww saying goodbye is hard, even if it is a natural ending....Can't wait to see the new replacement! Have a great day my friend! Love, mare


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