
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Hello Monday - It's the little things

Goodness, despite best intentions, life happens and things get busy, or strange, or dizzy as the case may be.  I am running behind in all corners, I need to catch up!  I have had some blog posts on the docket for days, so the best thing is to just get to them.

This one is close to my heart!

Just a little while ago I was proud to post my contribution to The Red Nose Day Dolls project. If you missed my post you can find it HERE.
Please take a look around to see all the amazing creations contributed by the talented artists and makers, it is truly wonderful!
The Ebay Auction for the dolls and all of their beautiful accessories begins March 7th and ends March 17th, so very exciting!

And you can help too! Blog about the Red Nose Day Dolls and link to your post here, tweet, or facebook about this wonderful project, just grab the Red Nose Day Dolls Badge on my side bar to link to their Facebook page  it would be such a big help if we can spread the word!

I have to say again what an amazing privilege it has been to be a part of such a fantastic community project.  Thank you Emma and Ros for including me!

Oh, and by the way... Mac is a movie star!  Love this video!


  1. It is an amazing project and your contributions to it are truly wonderful! :)
    Vivienne x

  2. I love your capes Alex :) And you're sooo right, it's been a privilege to be a part of it :D


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