
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Rules for Misfits

A little over a week ago, on a most unprecedented whim, I decided to make a quilt.  It's been ages, years even since I've gone down that particular path. I do believe I was inspired by my little misfit quilt that I picked up recently. To keep things simple (meaning: giving myself a real chance of actually ever finishing the quilt) I set up a few rules for myself.

Rule 1. I must not buy anything other than thread, only using supplies I have on hand.
Rule 2. Choose one pile of scraps from my hoard and use only the fabrics from that pile for quilt top.
Rule 3. Choose a very simple quilt block pattern.
Rule 4. (In 4 parts) I must not fret and worry so. I must not spend hours painstakingly rearranging blocks, then rearranging them again until it is perfect. I must let go of perfectionism. Just let it happen; a little random is good for me.

I must admit Rule 4 has been the most difficult to adhere to, but I managed somehow.

I made my first quilt when I was only 13 in Mrs. Bloomquist's sewing class. It was a miracle of early 80's dirty blues, tans, and maroons.  While piecing the thick polyester batting one day, my finger got in the way and the heavy duty Kenmore sewing machine sewed right through my finger tip! It was a very exciting and painful day in sewing class, ah memories! Though my quilt may not have been the prettiest thing going, I was so proud. I'll have you know too, that quilt was in regular use until 2 years ago when it was left behind at a music festival.

Later, when I was just a young 20-something, I fell hard for quilting.  Well, at least the piecing part of it all. I dreamed of one day owning my own giant quilting machine, Oh the quilts I would make!  Ah, but time marches on and while I did make some full size quilts, over the years I would whip up a few baby gift quilts of the small and manageable size.  And now it's been a long time since I've even done that.

I had forgotten the obsessive nature of making a quilt. It has been all consuming on some days. "What do you mean, what's for dinner? Can't you see I'm sewing a quilt?!"
Though I have been plagued by doubts and occasionally thought the whole thing looked a little bonkers, I have carried on.

Oh, I forgot to mention another rule I made for myself...
Rule 5. Break a few quilting rules!

For instance; sew a pieced quilt backing that does not actually match the quilt top. (I do so enjoy two looks in one you know.) Also, after sewing said backing, put it up as a curtain for a few days, why not?

As I have been sewing along, Pony Girl has made the request that this quilt be hers, "So that I can pass it on to my children and then they can pass it on to their children and on and on." Clearly, we are a family who loves misfits.

So that is my story of the making of a misfit quilt.

"What?" you say, "No fair, you haven't shown us the actual quilt!"

That my dears is because the quilt is not yet finished.  All the elements are in place, but things have got a bit busy 'round here and the final Ta Da! must wait. I assure you when I have a chance to get to the intimidating quilting part, and the last thread is snipped, all will be revealed!


  1. I quite like misfits.....and I love you quilt, I look forward to seeing the end results! :) x

  2. I love your is fun to, sometimes, not take ourselves so seriouly and see what happens. Looking forward to the final reveal.

    Picked up the new 'Mollie Makes Home' the other day and was so pleased to see your contribution of your new 'headboard', such a brilliant and pretty result! xo

  3. Can't wait to see it. Looking good so far. Jo x

  4. Great rules, I like things a little wonky and not perfect,it somehow feels better that way. Look forward to your finished quilt xox Penelope

  5. Looking forward to the ta dah! One day I will make a quilt!!!!
    What shame you lost your first quilt especially as blood was spilt in the making of it!
    Vivienne x

  6. I think rule number 4 would be a hard one for me too! Can't wait to see the end result. I have had this desire to start a quilt too --- must be in the air.

  7. I saw a most beautiful simple quilt just yesterday, I can't for the life of me remember where I found it and now find myself wishing I'd pinned it! Anyway, it was so beautiful, I decided there and then that 'when' I get to make a quilt it will be a simple block pattern - simple is sometimes best! Yours is looking great, can't wait to see its progress x

  8. Your quilt is looking lovely. I've only ever made a couple of cot sized ones for the girls so I am in awe of anyone who can make a full sized quilt

  9. Well it look great unfinished so I'm guessing it's going to love fabulous when done :)

  10. It gives me the sound of music feeling. Love it!!

    gr VintageStore

  11. You'll be joining the Quilters Guild next :)
    Looking forward to seeing the finished article, I'm sure it will pass the Pony Girl heirloom test!
    Any news on your holiday? x

  12. Isn't it funny how hard it is for some of us (ahem) to throw away the perfectionism? I don't speak of myself, of course. (Ahem.) Love the misfit look--I'd be proud to claim it myself!

  13. Perfect. Throwing out your own personal rulebook can be quite challenging at times, but really refreshing too. I have a feeling this is going to look beautiful and Pony girl is right about wanting it as a heirloom.


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