
Monday, April 29, 2013

Grab Bag Monday

Oh hello!

Last week we had the most delicious weather! It was very tempting to stay in that sunny spot from my last post and not move an inch. However, my lollygagging ways are over. I am almost back to my abnormal self and there is so much to catch up on, so many things to do! Still trying to get my blogging legs back so forgive if I'm a little rusty. This weekend I started the ball rolling and got to a bit of to-doing.

I had a flash of an idea for making, then upon inspection I realized I'm pants at buying solids and my stash was pretty bare. So you see, I absolutely had to make a trip to my favorite local fabric shop and pick up a few cheery bits.

Then I spied these little darlings and somehow they came home with me, practically leapt into my bag I tell you!
I am hoping my making mojo comes back soon, my trusty sewing machine is gathering dust and looking woefully neglected.

On getting back to routine and feeling lots better, I decided a tiny celebration was in order. So I baked a cake. Not one of them fancy pants layered with impeccable frosting and picture perfect cakes, nope. Rather, one of them everyday cakes that make the house smell divine and one is hard pressed to let it cool before grabbing a slice and gobbling it up while standing over the kitchen sink.

I used This Recipe for an apple cake and it is very, very tasty!

Well my dears, as I said - much to do and I am to it!  Happy Monday!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Hearing voices

"If you hear a voice within you say "you cannot paint," then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced.” 
- Vincent Van Gogh

I'm gonna try and silence that voice.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Wonky and Bright

Wonky and Bright, that's me! I am on my second week of recovery from a minor surgery and it's getting better all the time.  Minor or not, surgery feels a bit like getting hit by a truck and the first week was a little wobbly. This week I'm back to school drop and pick up, quite excited to be driving again. The Engineer has been a whole lot of Superman lately and I can not thank him enough for taking over. Of course, family and friends have been stunningly helpful too, I am truly blessed to have such a caring support group around me.

I have done the tiniest bit of making whilst laying in. Crafting under the influence I'll call it. Under the influence  of pain medication, sunshine and Spring! Everything is blooming in the brightest of colors! Yesterday on a family Sunday drive I nearly cried seeing rows of Dogwood in bloom, the flowers were the most amazing shade of salmon pink!

To celebrate the kaleidoscope of my neighborhood in bloom and my feeling well enough to make a little something, I grabbed my long neglected hooks and found the brightest of all yarns in my stash and just began. It took me a minute (or half an hour) to remember what it was I needed to do. It took me another half an hour to get my stitches relaxed and even. The Engineer got that worried look on his face that he gets every time I take up the crochet and asked what I was making. "I don't know," says I, "I'm just moving my hands and getting the rhythm."

And it grew. Then pony Girl suggested that it should be a blanket, for her. "Alright," I said, "it might be done by Christmas."  Anyway, it doesn't really matter. The yarn is crazy colorful, fun and makes me happy to look at.  The thing I'm making is decidedly wonky and bright, just like how I am feeling right now.

And how are you my friends?

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Thank you

I want to thank everyone for your incredibly kind comments and sweet emails I have received.  I am sorry that I am unable to reply to each and everyone, just know that you have brightened my days and made me feel much better indeed!

Things are getting sorted over here, we have discovered the culprit and are taking action.  I am hoping to be back to blogging on the regular some time next week after a few days of recovery. So looking forward to be back in my shiny place here with all of you!

Oh and happy Spring!
