
Monday, April 22, 2013

Hearing voices

"If you hear a voice within you say "you cannot paint," then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced.” 
- Vincent Van Gogh

I'm gonna try and silence that voice.


  1. beautiful pictures. Cheered me right up. xx

  2. Yes, paint, paint and paint..And then you can say, "What voice?"

    Enjoy, my friend. xo

  3. Ive had an incredible urge to paint lately - something huge. I miss having a studio to escape to.
    Get painting & Enjoy! :D

  4. Paint on! I think I'll do some myself today :)

  5. Its that starting point that is the hardest - just go for it!!xx

  6. Go YOU!

    I think that Vincent was onto something (I mean, apart from the art thing) - you could apply that quote to more than painting.

    Let go of fear and self-doubt and EXPLORE.... love it.

  7. So glad you are doing this. A perfect example for your budding artist to copy.

  8. Yay. I'm loving your super cheerful pics too.
    The happiest of weekends to you my friend. Loads of healing rays too, I hope ox


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