
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

It's not you, it's me.

Whoops, slipped away there for a bit. Completely unintentional you know. I am in an utter state of shock that the year is almost half over and school will be out in a couple of weeks! How, I ask you, how in the world did that happen? I am going to make an effort to spend more time around here, because I miss you!

I did want to take this opportunity to thank you all for your wonderful comments on my last post. What a bunch of lovely readers you are. There has been no luck as of yet in finding our new home, but we are patient enough to wait for just the right place.

Not finding a house hasn't stopped me from day dreaming of decorating or imagining more storage! In fact, I accidentally popped over to Pinterest the other day, oh my! So many gorgeous ideas to see! Not the ideal thing to go looking at when you have a list of chores as long as your arm. I did that thing, you know the one, where you tell yourself "just a few minutes" and then an hour later you look up to see it's time for school pick up. Yes, that happened and I'm going to have be more careful in the future.

Well, I do have more to share, but I will save a little something for later.
Have a happy day!


  1. Hello Dear Friend...I wish you luck at finding your new home. I know it is hard to leave your old home, but you will make the new place a wonderful home...We are in the process of buying a Summer camp. Keep your fingers crossed for us! Love you, mare

  2. I remember when we were house hunting for City House. It seemed to take forever with even some tears of frustration. Then one day we found it and with barely a nod to each other we both knew that 'this was the one'.

    Many a time I have been lost in cyberspace time warps, very odd indeed. Actually, I have heard rumors that Pinterest has a time warp zone all its own :~)

  3. Good luck in your house hunting. I myself have lost many an hour on Pinterest it is easily done lol x x x

  4. Good luck with your house hunting. We moved a few years ago - from a beautiful place - I though we'd never find anywhere as nice, but we found somewhere differently lovely! x

  5. Man, exciting times in your neck of the woods! Can't wait to see what kind of new home you will find. (because you will find one!) :-)

  6. Pinterest is actually a wormhole to an other dimension where time runs differently. Be patent the new house will find you soon enough. It took 8 months to get in to our new place! I do now have considerably more grey hairs though!

  7. Gosh I have so much blog reading to catch up on - exciting news about the move! You can't rush these things though, so enjoy whiling away those hours on pinterest before you are knee deep in packing boxes. Good luck!

  8. Time is different, I swear, in Pinterest land!

  9. We're entering our last week of school, and I'm with you wondering where the time has gone. I know I'll have to shift my priorities a little, but at the same time, I'm looking forward to a lazier pace. Isn't that the way of it?


I do so love you taking the time to leave a word, I read every comment and they truly make my day! Unfortunately, at this time I am unable to accept "Anonymous" comments.