
Monday, June 3, 2013

Hello Monday - In Bloom

I am starting the week with a clear head, a fairly clean house and no stressful deadlines. Wow! That hardly ever happens. I thought a little celebration was in order. Nothing big, in fact, I wanted more than anything to relish the little things. This morning after I came home from school drop off, I lingered over my coffee, I took a stroll through the garden to see what was in bloom. I looked past the ridiculous amount of weeds, the lettuce garden decimation by my hens and practiced selective viewing. Turns out there is quite a lot in bloom.

A double columbine

The tail end of the Elderberry flowers

The last Peony

I nearly trampled a tiny delicate mushroom. No idea what it is, but I let it be.


Oh and look! The Hydrangea is beginning to bloom. Such a nostalgic flower for me. Amazing that when this flower head is at it's peak, it will be a dark purpley blue color!

What is blooming in your neck of the woods?

Oh, and I want to share with you that I have the immense honor of being Editor for the month of June over on the wonderful WhipUp. I am sharing some posts from lovely bloggers and makers, as well as contributing posts of my own. The theme for the month is Make it Local, there will be recipes, tutorials and some really lovely reading. Please come by and say hello. You can find my Introductory post HERE.

Have a stellar day!


  1. Beautiful! Gives me inspiration to post my flowers (:

  2. Beautiful flowers. Happy Monday. Give me a push to update my blog (:

  3. Your yard looks so lovely all in bloom!

    Those hens can be sooooo naughty!! Mine keep eying the garden through the chicken run fencing..I've even caught them digging a hole near the bottom, when confronted they claim, "it's a spot for future dust bathing"...sure.

    Congrats on your honor of Editor of the month, I will need to go check it all out.

    Enjoy the sunshine! xo

  4. Beautiful. Our garden is in serious neglect tight now, there is a whole clump of mushrooms growing in random places!

  5. Gorgeous! Our garden is in its infancy since this is our first full spring/summer season in this house, and it's a little pathetic still. I'll enjoy yours instead! :)

  6. blooming marvelous. I think you must be ahead of us, spring has come so late over here. The elderflowers aren't out yet and the peony has only just started to bloom.

  7. Wish my garden looked that good, but it the whippet's that practice decimation here and they're bigger than chooks!

    Have fun with WhipUp :)

  8. So many beautiful blooming things. I just discovered a peony growing behind a massive bush near my front door. It was a nice surprise!

    Headed over to read your post on now. :)


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