
Friday, June 7, 2013

Shabby Apple Dress Giveaway Winner!

Hooray! I am so happy to announce the winner of The Shabby Apple Dress Giveaway!
The winner is Sarah!

Sarah said, "I'm loving all three! Seriously though, the "Snapdragon" would get the most wear. Yay!"

Congratulations Sarah!
Oh and I discovered that Sarah has a sweet blog called Gentle Home you should go check it out. She has Chickens and Bees! I love that!

So Sarah, contact me with your mailing details and the size of the dress you want.

Thanks to everyone who participated and I hope you all have a lovely weekend!


  1. Great dress.. It appears to be a fabulous tunics for women.. Looking great!
    Congratulations to the winner

  2. excited and will be checking the mail vigorously until the beautifulness arrives. Thank you.


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