
Thursday, October 31, 2013


Alright, I'm going to come clean, I'm going to tell you the real story. I don't like to over share, but the truth is I have recently come down with a serious case of blogger's block.  It's pretty bad and honestly, I am a bit lost as to what to do about it. I keep thinking, "O.k., tomorrow, surely tomorrow I have will have something clever, crafty, or witty to say!" And when tomorrow comes... nothing, nadda, zip, zilch!

Perhaps it has something to do with the overwhelming pile of boxes still unpacked, hanging out in my new home. Or maybe it's due to a shocking dearth of shelving, therefore hindering the unpacking of said boxes. Or it could be that every room in the house needs painting and I don't know where to start. Or could it be that with Fall sliding headlong into Winter that I have become more quiet and introspective?

I have been spending time in my studio. Sewing and spiffing for an impending photo shoot and that is exciting, but too premature for me to share. 

I have been mulling, scheming, imagining and thinking over what I want Lola Nova to become, where I want this whole creative business to go in the future. Having deep thoughts and big questions; am I a maker, a crafter, a seamstress, a designer, an artist? Oh good gravy! Artist is a potent word don't you think?

I have been pouring my energies and time into my family, making this new house a home (unpacked boxes and unpainted rooms aside), and trying to find my footing after a roller-coaster year. 

If you are a blogger, maker, artist, family wrangler, do you ever feel blocked? What do you do to move past it? What helps you "unblock"? I'd love to know.


  1. Thank you so much for sharing this. I have had 'the block' for quite sometime now, and as I told the Mister last night, I'm afraid it has become quite serious, indeed.

    Just looking at your work and your new space gives me a lift and a hope that all will be well soon.

    I wish I had a magic wand for the both of us but have high hopes that one or more of your clever readers will come through with the most perfect advice. xo

  2. Even if you got nothing to say; your pictures tell the story for you :) I enjoy looking at them, don't worry to much about it. My dad always says: Everything will be fine. If not, then it still will be fine. And it will!

  3. It happens to everyone - I always just let it go until I feel more inspired, doing something different (did you know there are paper things called books out there?? I forgot about them for a while...) or take a total detour from my regular writing subjects. What I DON'T do is put pressure on myself - it always goes badly. Try to relax and reflect and the rest will come when it comes.

  4. I sometimes get the same dilemma, where my creativity should go, do I sew crochet draw.I have begun combining all three in my work.I also spend at least a few hours to this cause a week, with out my creative endeavours im not me im lost.I suppose its balance, housework and time to rekax with my hobbies x

  5. My sewing has been blocked since the summer now. I have managed to make a few items but my heart still isn't in it. Right now I'm doing a little cross-stitch on the side. That always gives some good time to reflect and takes off the pressure. Slowly but surely ideas and energy will come flooding back: you just have to believe! :-)

    PS I enjoyed today's post of you a lot so personally I'd prefer more personal posts, but that is just me... ;-)

  6. Oh yes! I just write shit and post it until one day something good comes out. Either that or I just go quite for a while and constantly beat my self up about it. Generally I wonder what the hell I'm doing and why I'm doing it and is it worth the hassle.

  7. I think 'blogger's block' is a frequent thing. I read somewhere about how every blogger has an, "I'm sorry I've been gone for so long..." post, and I guess that's true, though I think it's important to take time off when you need to. Inspiration will eventually strike again.

    I love seeing glimpses of your home! It looks like a beautiful, inspirational dwelling place.

  8. I can totally relate to your post, my lovely friend. I, too, have many boxes lying around where shelving should be and that's probably the reason why I haven't been that friendly with my sewing machine these past few months. When we moved into our house in July I felt so much enthusiasm but I can't think what happened. Or probably knitting got in the way .. so much more portable than sewing. Learn to knit Alex :)

  9. I like to go somewhere else to unblock to find inspiration in real things like a public garden, stately home, museum, exhibition etc. When you are away from your own stuff you can let other more exciting thoughts creep in. Jo x

  10. Totally get it... and the unpacked boxes thing. I've just gone very, very quiet lately.... but I think the mojo will return. Ebb and flow...

  11. maybe step away from it all for a day? nourish you in some way. I'm sure inspiration will come then,Heather x

  12. I've dealt with it in the past by coming up with post categories - event, new project, old project, etc. etc., you get the idea - and brainstorming ideas that fit them. That way I have a go to list for when my head is somewhere else, which is probably more often than you think!

  13. Hi Lola, I've just returned from our town library in country Australia with your book! I love it! You have shared a beautiful range of both beautiful, useful and do-able projects and am pleased to discover you also have a blog.

    I blog when I have something to share, this means I sometimes blog every day or may go several days with nothing and no desire/idea to share. I enjoy taking photos, regardless of my blogging. Sometimes it's not until I look back over my photos that I realise I really do have something I want to share.

    Looking forward to exploring your blog......

  14. Alex...been there done that, still doing it actually, ....
    You don't have to blog...and its your blog!!
    . do what ever you want when you want to, enjoy the sewing unpack a box a day...NO pressure and easy does is too short!
    bestest as ever, to you and yours...

    Daisy x

  15. For me blogger's block is more about having the drive - and time- to get started, rather than a lack of ideas. However, I've found that having a definite theme that will take a specific period of time, with daily posts, however short, is good for getting back in the swing of blogging. Over the years I've done: postcards; running through the alphabet; an advent calendar; a number series. Somehow it creates a commitment to finish that drives me on. Notwithstanding all that, I think maybe Kirsten's comments about her dad's philosophy is spot on.


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