
Friday, February 14, 2014

Friday on my mind

Hello and happy Friday all! 

Today I just have a few things to share.

Thing One: I have started a Flickr Group for The Stitched Journal Project Participants. Feel free to share your photos of the project, start discussions, ask questions and enjoy the community of makers that are involved in this great project!

Thing Two: Speaking of The Stitched Journal Project, here is a great little overview of drawing with your sewing machine, or "freemotion" embroidery from Jennie of A Little Vintage! Maybe you would like to give it a try.

Thing Three: Finally, a really amazing bit of of inspiration from my dear friend Jane of Flaming Nora (she is also participating in The Stitched Journal Project, hooray!). This post and the work she has shared are truly wonderful! Please go see!

Have a wonderful weekend and Happy Valentines Day if you celebrate!



  1. Ha ha , thank you! Go check your filckr I have started uploading stitched journal pics. Exciting. xx

  2. this is just wonderful. the words and the piece. amazing!

  3. Thanks for the links...I haven't even started yet..Eeekks!

    a very Happy Valentine's Day to you and your sweet family. xo

  4. I've been looking for some inspiration to work on my stitched journals! This is perfect!

  5. I'll be uploading pics to Flickr as soon as I have something to upload ... I thought I knew what I wanted to do for this but now I'm having a rethink!


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