
Monday, April 14, 2014

A gathering of sorts - accidental collections

Yes, there are still unpacked boxes at the new house. I wonder when I will stop calling it the new house, when will it stop feeling so new? I do not know. So, every now and then I unpack a box or two and try to find a place to put the stuff. How did we get so much stuff?

As I unpack, I find gatherings of like things that bloom into accidental collections. Things I never set out to collect, things inherited from grandparents, parents, friends...

I never intended to collect Ye Olde Kitchen stuff and yet, the box labeled "Papa" never opened or gone through since it arrived nearly two years ago now from California, held (among other things) a gathering of just that.

My grandmother collected these things. I like them, but then, you all know by now that I like old stuff. I like to think about the lives of old things, the people who touched and used them and the stories of dinners, jars of canned goods, the food that was made. 

I also like the look of them hanging on my kitchen wall. Just a little gathering, an accidental collection...

Now, I'm off to arrange my accidental collection of decorative tins! 
Do you have any accidental collections?


  1. Ha ha ha ha! Accidental and collection are my middle names!

  2. Too many accidental collections. The oddest accident is that somehow I've collected (with no intention, of course) hundreds on pins. Like pins as in badges for bands and movies and shops.

  3. That is an incredibly beautiful collection, accident or not, hanging on that peg rail. Most of my collections are semi-planned. Two is an accident, three is a collection... Perhaps the antique ivory bangles my mother collected are a joint 'accident' . l don't want to bin them but I will never be proud of them. Neither was she- she just didn't like to see forgotten.

  4. Oh Alex these are BEAUTIFUL. Exactly the kinds of old items that I get excited about. I adore their worn wooden handles and the hook rail they're hanging from. Oof

  5. I have lots ! old toy sewing machines, old tins, old bottles,vintage tea cups and jugs to name a few ! I love your utensil collection I think knowing they have been used by generations before us is all part of their attraction, the stories they could tell ! looking forward to seeing your decorative tin display too

  6. I really admire your accidental collection so beautifully hanging in a row. Each one is a miniature sculpture to my eye, but clearly also was created with a specific purpose.

    I'm not sure if I have any accidental collection, although I do have quite a few books, skeins and balls of yarns, many colored pencils, oil and watercolor paints and lots of brushes.


  7. Hello Lola,
    today I sewed some fabric eggs inspiried by your tutorial in the first issue of "Mollie Makes". Because I used fabric sraps and some old filling material I want to be part of the "Upcycling Tuesday" with this project. Do you mind if I show the eggs on my blog ( and link to your site? I used your pattern template, but I machine stiched the eggs and used a different seam allowance. My eggs are a little smaller than yours. Thanks so much for your great work and inspiration.
    Greetings from Germany

  8. Hi Carmen, I was unable to find your email so answering you here. I would be happy for you to show the fabric eggs on your blog. If you would like to link to the tutorial here
    that would be great!
    Thank you

  9. Hi Lola,
    thanks a lot.

  10. Your collection looks very beautiful and it's wonderful to have a connection with its past. I find that you have two of something and everyone decides you must be collecting them and gives you a whole load. Well, that's what happened with my collection of tins.

  11. I couldn't bear to just toss out those plastic bag closure tabs that come on bread bags, (so much plastic!) So I stuck them on a loose woven basket, thinking surely I'd find a use for them. Dozens and dozens later, some one saw them and exclaimed "That's so cool!"

    Surely a very accidental collection.

  12. I couldn't bear to just toss out those plastic bag closure tabs that come on bread bags, (so much plastic!) So I stuck them on a loose woven basket, thinking surely I'd find a use for them. Dozens and dozens later, some one saw them and exclaimed "That's so cool!"

    Surely a very accidental collection.

  13. I have an accidental collection of whippets, who have currently arranged themselves artfully on all available sofa space, but I don't think that's quite what you meant ;)

    These old kitchen utensils are so beautiful.


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