
Tuesday, May 20, 2014

In the Garden

Oh hello there! Feels as though I have been gone for ages. I have been busy as can be and I'll share some of the projects I've been working on this week. Today I'm just dipping my toes back in the water and giving you a glimpse of the readying of the garden.

One of reasons we fell for this house was the garden, both back and front of the house, it really is spectacular. There is a huge amount of maintenance involved, but it's worth it. Right now the Rhodies and Azaleas are just about to finish their bloom. The peas, lettuce and spinach are going gangbusters. We've been eating a lot of salad around here!

Those barrels are about to be planted with tomatoes and peppers this afternoon. Hooray! The fruit trees are promising a good harvest later this year, if we can keep some from the birds that is.

A quick peek here of the front garden. In the last 2 weeks it has gone wild, keeping up with the weeds and overgrowth is a challenge. Oh but you should see that giant red rose bush in person!

Well, I have food to plant and weeds to chase. What are you up to?


  1. It looks so lovely! I like how all that gorgeous foliage hides you back from the street a bit, too. Perfect for that cottage-y feel you've got. :)

  2. Your garden is so gorgeous. It looks so peaceful and welcoming.

  3. Oh the place is just beautiful! The front yard is a true Portland gem, for sure. Such a blessing to have it all there when your moved in.

    Enjoy this perfect gardening weather..I'm putting a good amount in tomorrow here at City House. xo

  4. What a wonderful garden to inherit I can see why you fell in love with it. I am mostly weeding in our garden at the moment a little bit here a little bit there just to keep on top of it. I have lots of seedlings growing strong in the polytunnel but I am waiting for it to warm up just a little more before the venture outside!

  5. wow, its absolutely beautiful! those roses !! x

  6. Your front and back gardens are so lush, so lovely. Yes, I can see how you and yours would have taken an instant shine to them.

    That giant rose bush is magnificent! Actually, everything that appears in your photographs looks fantastic. Wish I could pop by to be an assistant gardener!

    Best wishes.


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