
Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Frankly, Lola...

I know that I have waxed on about how this blog is my happy, shiny place. More than once, I'm sure.
Most of the time I choose to skip the yucky stuff, you know... the it's a hard day 'cause everything went wrong, the house is a wreck and smells of kitten poo (how is it possible that such a small creature can create so much poop?).  The days that are way too busy, always trying to catch up and always falling short. Those days that I just want to hide under a pile of coats and there's no bloody chocolate in the house! We all have them.

For instance, I don't share my endless disappointment that I have not yet developed the super-power of stopping time... not even for 5 piddly minutes... good gravy! I don't talk about how my striving for balance in this life looks a lot like an elephant in roller skates riding a Tilt-A-Whirl. I don't over-share my past aspirations (I really wanted to be a Solid Gold Dancer! Sadly, I reached full height several inches short of the required leggy-ness. Also, I was not a particularly good dancer). So you see, I don't like to complain. Okay... so sometimes I do talk a bit too much about my tempestuous relationship with The Laundry.

I also try to keep the real personal stuff out of view. Sometimes the real hard times, are quiet family blues; we need to sing them away in private.

I also sometimes forget to share the really great day-to-day stuff. Stuff like reconnecting with an old friend one hasn't seen in ages and ages. Like having a long overdue date night with the Engineer, dinner with friends, and seeing a really great band. I forgot to tell you about a sleepover we had with old friends - our kids have been friends since they were babies and it was so much fun! Or I don't often mention how lovely it is to sit in the garden at the end of a long day.

Sometimes I even go as far as disappearing from this place for days and days.

Yet, when I do spend time here, I am always surprised and so very pleased that many of you stick with me, come back, read my posts, leave wonderful comments and make me smile!

From the bottom of my heart, I thank you.


  1. Nothing wrong with sharing the difficult times as well as the good. Thank you for brightening up our days every so often with your updates.

  2. We love it when you do pop in! :)
    Sorry about the kitten poo. :(
    V x

  3. And we thank you, Miss Lola, for being there. Off to have a look at your book since I've rekindled my relationship with my sewing machine!

  4. I like "real" blogs best of all, so I'll certainly be along for the ride should you choose to share more of the negative side of life. :)

  5. Yes thank you Mrs for being there too....funny the other day i forgot how to join up my bias binding the correct way and where did I look for help...the computer nope!!
    your book, kept by my side when sewing....its in the pictures too...
    love ya be happy
    d xxx

  6. I am hearing your pain and your joy.

  7. i'm such a bad bad blog reader these days and so are most it seems, easier writing than reading somehow. but it was sweet to read you once again - have a lovely wednesday!! <3

  8. Hello again, long time no comment. for some reason you weren't showing up on my blogger feed but I've rectified that now!!!! Lovely post (as usual) x

  9. I don't think I could manage without my blog place. I know exactly how you feel chuck x

  10. It feels reassuring to know you have my kinda days as well!! Your a good person to be so positive, hats off to you xx

  11. I totally understand it. Balance is hard, and sometimes there's just no time to stop and talk about what's happening because, well, it's happening! That's ok. You're doing just right, and I'm happy to see you when you're here. :)


I do so love you taking the time to leave a word, I read every comment and they truly make my day! Unfortunately, at this time I am unable to accept "Anonymous" comments.