
Wednesday, July 9, 2014

6 Shirts

I may have mentioned awhile back that I have been saving up some of the Engineer's old work shirts. I made a sweet little skirt and had grand plans to make a few somethings from the rest of the shirts. That plan, my friends, took the long way 'round and other mayhem took it's place in line.

The other day as I made a half-hearted attempt to organize the overflow in the studio, I came across my collection of shirts. I was reminded of my grand plan and felt that I had 2 choices. My only options were to 1. Make good on my threat to come up with at least one new idea on the remaking of a man's work shirt (do you know how many tutorials, how-tos, and refashions there are out there on the interwebs? There's a lot!) and 2. Throw the lot of 'em into the recycling bin.

I have 6 shirts...
and a half...

It seems the Engineer has rather aggressive elbows, they seem to be the breakaway reason for a shirt's retirement. So... what am I gonna make? How long will it take? I've no idea, but I hope to throw in a tutorial here and there.

For a fleeting moment I considered a quilty type project, but then I remembered that I'd done that already.
So, my mind is a-whirl; all tempest in a teapot, hurly-burly reckless with imaginings... in subdued hues of blue and gray.

Wish me luck!


  1. Awe good luck but I'm quite sure you will come up with something! :)
    V x

  2. Ooh, hope that you are feeling more motivated and imaginative than I am at the moment. I am sure that you will nail the brief ;)

  3. ooh, looking forward to seeing what you come up with! x

  4. I'm looking forward to seeing what you make too - in an effort to tidy my sewing room and shut the cupboard door on my fabric supplies I cut all the collars and sleeves off to create flat pieces of fabric ready for use. I'm thinking a quilt...


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