
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

These days

These days the bed rarely gets made. We throw our clothes all over the floor - having acquired a temporary amnesia as to the whereabouts of the laundry hamper. The table is sticky from Popcicles, littered with the souvenirs of our adventures, and a seat is always reserved for the newspaper crossword puzzle. There are ponies strewn all over the house and in the garden.

These days all of my photographs are of my girl, family, the garden, produce, or food. The best photo ops are never captured because we are too immersed in the moment to break away long enough to take a picture.

These days I am feeling better. I had a rough patch recently. I was feeling the crush of the sadness out in the far flung world and the weight of tragedy close to home. Getting outside and adventuring has helped so much; hiking down a mile of switchbacks to reach a secluded lake, hiking that mile back up again, swimming in the river, and swinging from the monkey bars at the park. Apple pie and fresh blackberry milkshakes have helped a lot too.

These days Pony Girl and I have been listening to pop music. Especially in the car. I'm learning to listen and sing along without cynicism, or cringing. There is a spectacular joy in sharing a loud sing-along in a car with your kid! Never make anyone feel bad about the music they love.

These days are rushing by. It was just the 4th of July and then I blinked, now it's nearly August. I'm only feeling like I've just now got the swing of Summer.

What have you been up to these days?


  1. Oh Alex, I can identity with so much of what you have written here! It's lovely to hear from you and thanks for your beautiful and honest words. You'll be in my thoughts today.

  2. Ah, there's nothing like the freedom of childhood to cure the heart of all ills. So nice to hear you've had time to *play*, and singing loudly to any music certainly peps one's sprits! We're doing much the same here, with the added bonus of no set schedule, so long lazy mornings are the norm! Enjoy! Chrissie x

  3. That picture of your bed is beautiful. And extremely familiar... I'm trying to keep on top of the busy go-go-go of life, enjoying the ordinary and let the stressy parts wash over me.

    Also, I'm actively trying not to complain. It's an interesting experiment. Helps to be feeling well - life is so shiny when your health is good.

    Sending love


  4. So glad you're climbing out of the world of sadness and taking time to enjoy the summer.

  5. Oh, just trying to rush right along and keep up with it all! I'm glad you're feeling better--it sounds like you're doing all the right things!

  6. I am glad to hear you are feeling better. Your 'therapy' sounds just perfect being outside is a wonderful tonic especially at this time of year :)

  7. This describes our days right now exactly except our messy kitchen table is at the Mariott for the next three weeks until we move into our new place. It's been fine but maybe not the most seamless transition. It's always nice to know you're not in it alone.


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