
Monday, October 20, 2014

Rainy Days and Mondays

It seems the rain is well and truly here now, the scent of pumpkin flavored everything is in the air, and things have started ramping up for the coming season.

I haven't planted the garlic, or my bulbs, so there may yet be some digging in the mud soon.

The bread baking has begun and slow cooked comforting meals are happening again.

Oh, that reminds me, I need to add cocoa to the shopping list!

I'm pulling out the sweaters, Pony Girl needs some new rain boots, and has anyone seen my winter hat?

It's harder to get out of bed in the morning when it's dark out, especially on a Monday.

Happy week all!


  1. Yes, same here. We had our first frost warning last night, and I'm always hungry for soup and bread. The only part I really don't like is the hard-getting-up-in-the-morning part.

  2. Yes, things really do seem different this week. Signals of the changing season are insistent. I actually love these first days when the air has a bit of chill and it's wise to add another layer of clothing and prepare some soup.


  3. I still need to plant my bulbs too, I'm hoping for one morning this week. I love that photo of the leaf, the colors are beautiful.


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