
Monday, November 17, 2014

Pa's Shirts

As I finally started tucking into the collection of the Mr.'s old shirts that I've been collecting for ages, I began the imagining the endless possibilities to refashion and upcycle them. I unpicked pockets and ripped out collars trying to adjust to the new development of reading/stitching glasses slipping down my nose. It's been cold out with an icy wind so I sat by the fire and I had to laugh, I suddenly had a vision of Little House on the Prairie. Here's me, "Ma" making clothes for the child out of Pa's old shirts.

It started a while back with this skirt...

Yesterday I finished off this shirt made from a shirt. Should we call it a Tunic instead? I'm unsure. I do know that I was helped by my young assistant who suggested the addition of lace. She was quite right about that I think.

Since I last posted about my 6 (and a half) shirts, I uncovered 2 more shirts hidden in the mayhem of my studio. So, I have many more chances to re-imagine and turn them into something else. I think perhaps a dress will be next.

What have you been up to?


  1. One of my students made her prom dress from a recycled silk shirt. It was amazing.

  2. love the skirt and the tunic, the lace makes a lovely finishing touch!

  3. They look wonderful! I have been sewing up some 'a place for everything baskets' from your lovely book ;)

  4. Love your upcycled makes:) nothing like a great shirt...

  5. Good job, Ma! What fun! (And I think your assistant was right on with the lace.)

  6. Gorgeous creations as usual! I Love the lace additions, good call from your young assistant!

  7. Hi Alexandra. I just discovered your blog through the Creative Blog Hop via A Wooden Nest. Your refashioned Pa's Shirts are just darling! I invite you to head over to our blog to read our contribution the Creative Blog Hop:


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