
Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Random Acts of Sewing

On any given day there are a lot of projects waiting to be started, to be worked on, to be finished... and of course there's always laundry. 

There are some days however, that one must shoo away all those projects and to-dos buzzing around one's head and just commit random acts of sewing. Yesterday was just such a day. Something simple and happy, something that can be completed in the better part of a morning, and something useful as well. Yes, that was just the ticket!

I asked my girl to choose some fabric before she left for school then broke out some tried and true patterns that I have altered, adjusted, and sized up many times. I was able to give my new fancy steam iron a good work out and I must say it did a bang up job. (Last week my old trusty iron had a run in with some nasty synthetics and I'm not naming names, but it wasn't me... the end result was a new iron had to be acquired)

I spent some lovely hours happily stitching away, it did me a world of good I tell you! Nothing difficult or tricky, no doubts or maths involved, just familiar lines curving and meeting in a most satisfying way.

This morning my girl donned her new duds and blew kisses to me from the school bus window.

Well, I'm off - the laundry awaits!


  1. Lucky girl. Bet she looked a right Bobby dazzler as my old Grandma used to say. X

  2. How nice it must be to have a sweet one to sew for! I miss that!


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