
Friday, March 6, 2009

Rock and Roll

Today it will be eight years since my Dad passed away. I was thinking of him and decided I would share something kind of fun and entertaining. This video is from The Ed Sullivan Show 1967. That's my Dad "Smitty" on the drums.

Nice Tights!


  1. How wonderful to have this video of him! That is so cool! I love the boots. I'm not sure sure about the tights. Giggle...

    Seriously, he had the most marvelous set of sideburns ever!!

  2. Wow...I agree with Claire. It is so great you have these videos from the past when he was so young!I loved Paul Revere and the Raiders...I'll be thinking of you and your Dad today....

  3. omg shut up! that is awesome!
    wonder if the others up in heaven make fun of the haircuts?
    ps-your dad wore those tights well
    ; )


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