
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Hapless - my creative space

Daily Meditations for the Hapless

Yes, I know that My Creative Space is supposed to be on Thursday, but honestly, I don't know what kind of shape I'm going to be in by then. So, here you have it, a day early.

Now, settle in if you have a minute. I do believe I will be taking the long road home.

As some of you may be aware, I have been going in circles. I am speaking specifically about circles of the crochet kind. There has been a hint of 'granny circle' obsession going on for days at The Cottage. The Bearded One...ok I feel a bit of an off track moment coming on, so bear with me...

I am growing weary of calling the Mr. - The Bearded One, so henceforth, from this moment on (until I tire of it as well), I will be referring to him as The Engineer.

Soooo...The Engineer was starting to worry some. He was concerned that so much going 'round and 'round with hook and yarn would lead to trouble, and perhaps there was some merit in that concern. You can decide for yourself.
When I began, I only intended to see whether I could conquer a small circle. After two, I thought they might make sweet handmade ornaments. Then, I had a vague notion of a garland (seeing as the whole world has gone garland happy - and why not? They are after all happy things.) One day, just finishing my 5th little circle of joy, I spied an aesthetically displeasing thumbtack in the wall. It was serving an important purpose to be sure but, it was none too pretty. I walked over and plopped one of the crocheted circles over the thumbtack, stood back for a gander and felt a silly grin creep upon my lips.

So there I was, standing in the hallway giggling to myself, thinking - This is it! I am going to be the maker of crocheted thumbtack covers! Why, just a short while ago I was having one of those 'let's chuck the whole crafty thing and become a professional belly dancer' moments, imagine! Lo' and behold, I have had my breakthrough - hazzah! By now, the giggle has become a real laugh, which ends in a big sigh.

To embrace this silliness, in the midst of a rather hapless week, I decided to create a small theme, a vignette if you will. An ode to crocheted thumbtack covers, a celebration of the happy garland, and a few words of inspiration.
Thus, Daily Meditations for the Hapless came to be.

The word Hapless has been one of my favorites ever since I came across this book in my late teens. And while the definition is quite dire, I have thought of it as oddly endearing. Of course, I have a bit of a dark humor.

This little spot of color now sits prettily on the wall above my desk. There to remind me not to take myself too seriously.

my creative space has been brought to you by the creative folks over here.


  1. How creative!!!!! I love the garland of circles.I think the whole whole is adorable. Makes me wish I could crochet...

  2. *L* That was suppose to say whole wall....where is grammer check when you need it???

  3. They are happy little things for the hapless... That is a good word.

    One of the things is that ONE crochet circle simply wouldn't do - you have to have a good number to make a statement. So I think you can justify your obsession!

  4. it looks grand! i love that garland! and the colour combo. and the edward gorey book, really i have to check that out, it sounds like a must read - yes hapless is now a word i will treasure too:)

  5. Lovely! I have a few thumb tacks to cover myself.... I really like the garland, too. A nice twist on the usual triangular version.

  6. As far as obsessions go I think yours is incredibly healthy...I'm surrounded by teen obsessives at present and compared to skateboards, vampires and orange m & m's those crocheted circles look exceedingly good! x

  7. I love those crochet circles - I really wish I could crochet: I will have to work on it next year!

    Pomona x

  8. Oh you have cracked me the hell up my dear, really you have!

    "The Laundry Will Always Be There For You" So true - but perhaps it should have a more sinister look about it....?! ;)

    Your wall looks, just awesome... I don't know if anything more fun has ever come out of going 'round & 'round in circles.

  9. I love this post! I love the circle garland and the thumbtack covers too. Perhaps you could crochet some sort of bikini (made of circles of course) for your belly dancing costume.

  10. I LOVE all the circle goodness going on here!!!!! I too don't like seeing pins sticking out so when we all changed rooms around I had lots of pins to either take out or cover - I decided just to stick anything up on them and it really does look great. I got some lovely brightly coloured patchwork circles from the Op Shop and they now make me smile every time I see them. Keep up your hapless meditation it's wonderful!

  11. Thanks so much for visiting my blog and leaving such a sweet comment :) Your blog is charming--I love the garland and picture hangers that you've created with crochet motifs!
    take care,

  12. I'm so happy to find your blog!! I followed your sweet comment on mine and here I am in a lovely, thumb tack covering, creative space. Your circles are gorgeous, and so pretty and practical. Lovely to meet you, see you again xo

  13. What a lovely blog! Great idea with the crochet circles - Might have to borrow that one x

  14. This little space looks absolutely beautiful !! I adore it, your circles are gorgeous and what a great idea to with the thumbtacks.

  15. Crochet thumbtack covers, why it is quite clear to me that you are a genius, a genius with a lovely sense of humour. Thanks for the giggles.

  16. You are hilarious.
    I love the thumb-tack approach to crochet, and this may indeed be your big breakthrough to crafty fame and fortune.

  17. as a 'squarey' i can only 'gasp' in amazement at your 'roundy' abilities...
    it is true, garlands are most happy indeed, but roundy garlands leave me most delighted of all. quite honestly miss lola i would have to say it is nothing short of 'gleeful' what i find here today.

    and suddenly, quite surely, the world of thumbtacks will never be the same and perhaps, me thinks that is a good thing :)

    Tif x

  18. inspired and brilliant. I want to do that too, oh if only I had som more time!

  19. creative and full of fun here!!

  20. Amazing story. You had me chuckling all the way through. Very very funny and absolutely love the whole Daily Meditations for the Hapless space. You must be so chuffed whenever you walk by it. It would make me smile! xoxo Meagan.

  21. Love the garland and the circles above the frames over the thumbtacks is a great idea. So what's The Engineer's verdict?

    RE: belly dancing. It's so sensible to have a backup plan!!!

  22. Oh this is wonderful! Just love it all :)
    Such a great idea and so inspiring.

  23. Another one who loves the garland and you are right on time with your's Thursday here in Australia :)

  24. Your post made me laugh.
    The laundry will always be there for you sums up my last few weeks!

    As Vik said above, you're right on time for the Aussies.

  25. Genius solution and so pretty, the garland is divine!

  26. ooh i just love these crochet pieces - i've fallen inlove with crochet these days and yours are great

  27. Thanks for your nice comment! I´ll list some wristwarmers in my etsy shop soon, if you´re interested ;-)

    I love your crochet cirkles combined with the framed pictures - such a great idea!

    Found so many nice and inspiring people in the creative space, gorgeous!

    Bye Kirsten

  28. oooooooooh I love it I love it I love it!!! It all looks wonderful together on your wall!!

  29. What will be covered with your beautiful crochet work next! The thumb covers are so lovely - and have created a nice feature too. Peta

  30. Well, you know someone had to invent the little plastic things that go on the end of shoe laces, so why not be the inventor of thumb tack covers. I love your wonderfully funny post, thanks for coming and visiting me too!

  31. i absolutely adore the thumbtack covers! I have been crocheting circles of the hat kind lately, but now I am crocheting Christmas stars at the moment!(And they say Belly dancing is very good for the soul!)

  32. Oh my goodness, so charming! What a great idea. They look just lovely.

  33. Love these circles! Now I'm in the mood for crocheting :)

  34. Fabulous garland! very clever thumbtack-idea!!very funny too!
    love the laundry message...won't there always be pie too?
    Annamaria ;)

  35. happy engineer..or has he left home? LOL...i love my laundry...your little sign is inspiring..:)

  36. i love the circles, i love the words of wisdom, i love that the circles have a purpose, i love the way the wall looks, i love the hapless child, i love the word hapless and i love that the engineer is concerned. tell him not to stand still for too long or he may find that there are some circles crocheted especially to decorate him. ps i love your post

  37. Lovely circles - love the idea of thumb tack covers!! I'm kind of liking the word 'hapless' too :)

    Sorry, I'm a little late commenting - 'Hebridean time'! :D

  38. love love love the thumb circles! ETSY ETSY!

  39. What a great idea, thumbtacks or not! I've got to find a crochet pattern, because I don't crochet very often. I just love the whole idea!

    Thanks for inspiring me. :)


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