
Monday, December 14, 2009

Oh My Stars!

Hello and happy Monday!
You might think that since I am a somewhat crafty type - that I would be hands to scissors and foot to pedal (sewing machine pedal that is), busying myself with the industry of gift making. While I have thrown a couple of slapdash things together and started another one or two, I have mostly been pondering and wandering the floors of the cottage. Spending my time pottering about and moving the furniture. This is somewhat worrying, as there is that list I made and the reality of time moving swiftly towards the day.

At least the cookies have been made. Which will be most helpful in the coming days when a sugar rush is what is needed to make it through another round of "who am I forgetting?"

Yet another year has found me not quite getting to the holiday cards, I swear, I am a tragic mess when it comes these things. Still, while most of my 'Best Laid Plans' have gone all wonky, I have decided to accept and let it roll. Fretting is not good for one about to turn another year older (especially since I started working on my worry lines at the age of 7). Stress is not in the spirit of it all anyway, so roll on I shall. 'Que Sera' ala Doris Day, whatever will be, will be.

Notice I did finally get around to trying out the Grandma Twinkle crochet pattern from Michelle over at The Royal Sisters and I am smitten! She has 4 wonderful crochet tutorials and I am so looking forward to trying out the others. Pop on over and give them a whirl, I promise it's addictive. I am a beginner and I found her instructions and photos so very helpful and easy to follow.

May the day find you with stars in your eyes my friends, and I hope that you all take a moment out of your busy days to let go of worry and stress - know that it all is going to work out beautifully. If you should find this difficult, I recommend biting the head off a smirky gingerbread man :)


  1. And then gobble up all the rest just like the fox in the fairy tale. I love your crochet stars - who needs cards when you have crochet stars? Have a good week!

    Pomona x

  2. Ohhhhhhhh.... gingerbread awesomeness... you're certainly getting your Christmas on now!

    I was DELIBERATELY not "doing" the card thing this year - until I got some in the mail. *sigh* Looks like I'll have to return the favour for those at least!

  3. Tis the season and happy early Birthday, age= wisdom, ummm except in my case!

  4. Isn't it crazy... the Christmas preparations have all been put on hold because I have an overwhelming need to paint the ceilings. Ironically I only noticed how manky they were when I was putting up the Christmas decorations....go figure!

  5. Ummmmm i love gingerbread! And yours looks wonderful! I only send cards to my little sponsored children and the inmates i write to(thru Amma's program...very safe)Still i have projects to finish up and a tree to finish decorating, a house to clean and food to prepare for the big family gathering here on Christmas day....You are right all falls into place and if you don't get to something, it's ok....I love your sweet little stars!

  6. Oh, I am tempted by those cute stars. I just may have to make some this week.

  7. I love your twinkle stars! Those tutorials are the best, aren't they?

  8. Love those stars. They are perfectly festive. xo m.

  9. oh your stars look so good...
    and love the little twinkle light in the back of one...
    Just perfect...
    And I do love your gingerbread I haven't been able to make any yet...

  10. Dear Alex
    Now, just in case I don't have chance to pop by tomorrow, here's wishing you a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY indeed!
    Hope you have lots of treats and that you will be spoilt beyond measure!
    Denise x

  11. your blog always puts a smile on my face :)


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