
Monday, January 11, 2010

It's A Hook Book!

I didn't mean to go a-disappearing there, life sometimes just rolls along at it's own speed and I roll with it. In fact, this month of January might just be a little sparse on the blog front, for I am more than ever, a woman pressed for time. I haven't been able to keep up with my blog visiting either but, I know that you are all such a lovely lot that you will find it in your hearts to cut me a little slack, yes?

For today, I thought I would share a little post holiday present that I made for my own self. It's a hook book!

One of those, "I must have it right now!" kind of projects. It came to me as I was working on a little crochet somethin' somethin', watching the cat batting about my I hook and all my stitch markers fell to the floor, scattering to the far corners of 'Neverfind'.

So, away I went down to my basement corner (which now, thanks to the engineer, is no longer a threat of frostbite to a body) and started pulling a few recycled and vintage bits from the various cupboards. I threw it together in a relatively short time, and whilst I am unnerved by the dubious yellow parts, I think it will be of great service.

There is a zipper pocket to keep my stitch markers and yarn needles from making a break for it. Enough nooks and crannies for a family of hooks, even a little pocket for notes. There's a flap to keep slippery hook folk from sliding out willy nilly. There are a couple of kinks to work out before I call it a smashing success, next time I will include a place to keep a wee pair of snips. Oh I do believe there will be a few of these in my future.

Until next we meet my dears, I hope you have found your 2010 legs and are dancing into the new year.


  1. It's so lovely, and practical! I love your choice of fabric.

  2. it's totally perfect, yellow fabric and all... i see a bright future for you and your little hook purse :)

  3. did i say hook purse... have i lost my mind, of course i meant hook book. forgive my word slip, spent a tad too long in the company of little olive, used dog and Miss Ethel today. enough to make one go a little batty...

  4. genius! so cute. what a great idea! love your fabric choices. colours are divine together. xo m.

  5. I am a sucker for "things to put things in," and I think this is fabulous! I have a hook roll, which works great, but I love how you'd added a pocket for other tools and made it into a book format. I bet you'd sell these very well!

  6. Well shucks! Thank you all for the very nice comments.

    dottie - I suppose you could call it a "hook clutch" which is a type of not too far off.

    june - things to put things in are awesome!

  7. beautiful! And so crisp. I'm in awe of the red stitching. Such perfection! Love love love it!

  8. So cute, and handy to boot. I know what you mean about struggling with time managment at the moment, there just aren't enough hours in the day.

  9. Aren't you a clever girl? Love the little book. As for time management, let me know if you come up with a plan. I'm fresh out of ideas xo

  10. I love the little hook purse. Will you be offering this item in your etsy store? Because I know someone I would give it to.

  11. This is gorgeous! Love the fabric choice too!
    Rachel x

  12. beautifully done! Make me want to get on my crocheting and knitting!

  13. So - you have a need and you just go whip up something to fix it! You are amazing!

    Nancy in Iowa

  14. i loved it on flickr and i love it here! the fabric is grand and that little bird-flap, sweet. i'm so pleased with the one you sent me in our swap:)

  15. Oh is it terribly wrong & consumer-ish of me to want to learn to crochet JUST so that I can beg you for one of these of my very own...?!

    ...because that is what I very much wish to do!!!

    Beautiful work my dear.


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