
Monday, February 1, 2010

My Place and Yours: Shoes

Our family of "Cow Boots", as Miss Ringlet calls them...and yes, most of them are mine (mostly thrifted). I might just have a wee obsession with 'cow boots', I'm ok with that.

I'm a little late on the uptake but, Ms. Vic has compelled me - and due to a great coincidence - I have decided to play along this week for 'My Place and Yours'. Please go have a look see at who else is playing along, I mean, who doesn't like shoes?

Also, in response to a very special request, I shall be giving you a rare glimpse of my upper half but, you have to click here! The link takes you to a photo taken by the talented inger klekacz, at a music benefit for a fellow musician, whilst I was singing my little heart out.

So, there you go!

Have a happy Monday all!


  1. WOOT! I don't do boots. too chubby, the end up cutting my calves and leg fat rolls just aren't attractive *shudder*

    love the picture! Glad to see a face

  2. I want to see a face too.... Waaaaaaah....! (There she goes I hear you sigh, sobbing again...)

    My stoopid slow internet this week has me stomping my feet & pounding my fists against the desk in picture deprived desperation!

    Thanks to my sneek peek I know that the boots are gorgeous & jealousy inspiring, and thank you, thank you, thank you lovely lady for playing.. but I want to see you too!!! *sniffle* ;)

  3. No boots for me - I'll have to stomp vicariously through you. I do well to put shoes on when I go outside. Love the picture of you! Does Princess Stella like to sing as well? I can imagine a beautiful mother/daughter duet....

    Nancy in Iowa

  4. Whew, them thar's a lot of cow boots! :)

    Great photo.

  5. you could kick a lot of a$$ with those the singing shot!

  6. Looks like these boots were made for... singing! That is a very cool picture of you, I must say.

  7. What fun, all those boots! I just feel too darn British to wear boots like that, but I think if I had any excuse...

    Thanks for the rare glimpse of the other half of you!

  8. Who would have know you are a "cow boot" obsesser. A very sultry soulful picture of your upper half, I must say.

  9. A telecaster i presume?

    great shots!

  10. ooh those boots - all yours?!!
    I am envious.... I would love a pair of red cowboy boots, or green ones....
    Thank you for the photo link - it's a great picture isn't it? You must be pleased with that photo!
    I'm pleased that the Morning Pages post has hit the spot for you... it really does make a difference!
    Happy days,
    Denise x


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