
Monday, February 22, 2010

Time for a cool change

I've been at it again; rearranging, fussing with the furniture, bringing in a little something, taking away a thing or two and generally tinkering about my little place here.

To tell you the truth, I'm not sure how I feel about it, something's just the slightest bit off. Or maybe change is hard and I just need a period of adjustment. What do you all think? Be honest, I can take it.

We have been having the most amazing weather of late. The Daphne is blooming and smells heavenly, daffodils are popping up and the Crocus. Pony Girl and the hens have been romping about in the yard. It feels like spring, it's our February tease...the rain is due back tomorrow.

Speaking of spring and fussing, I got an urge to dive in and do a deep down scrub of the kitchen last week. Washed the walls, scrubbed the cabinets, oiled the counter tops and cleaned all the nooks and crannies. I took photographic evidence, because who knows when the kitchen will sparkle like this again. I also wanted to ready the place for some new shelves The Engineer has promised to build for me so that I can display a few of my pretties.

I am fond of our wee kitchen, we remodeled it ourselves a few years back. It is quite functional and kind of lovely I think, especially all a-shine like this. Now I am itching to re-make our living room, it's high time for a fresh coat of paint and some new pretty handcrafted curtains. Yes, time for a cool change.

I hope your weekend was grand and that week coming is a good one. I will be back soon with tales of gratitude.

Edited: I'm working on some bugs on the blog that I am having trouble with and my HTML is way rusty, so please bear with me. I think I have fixed the extra white space...


  1. your kitchen is a dream and a haven! love the pale green colour. welcome here anytime and scrub mine:)

    the new header is sweet and soft and pretty, perhaps a dash less crop of the lovely stripey sock photo and somehow i miss the hen appearing in a photo(even though the eggs is evidence of their presence)... i think the header would look even nicer with a change of background colour, soft green (yeah;) like in your kitchen, soft yellow, beige. the white background (i used to have that too) is so stark. pastels make the experience more dreamy and relaxing. imho.

    happy week!

  2. I love your new header even though I will miss the hen that looks like nine of mine. Your kitchen is great! It is bright and the color reminds me of spring..The weather has been a treat here in the NW and I can almosts smell the heady, sweet aroma of your daphne. You have inspired me to dig into my kitchen and do some scrubbing of my own. Enjoy the sun today.

  3. Such a great space! I love the colors!

  4. I love the new header although the lovely hen will be missed. What is awkward is there is too much white space between the photo and the entry header. Perhaps it is something you can change in the settings. As in space to fit photo - something like that.

  5. I think the new header looks nice, and everything is looking sparkly and clean. A little too much space between the header and the rest of the site, but that's a small thing. The kitchen is adorable!

  6. Like the site.. seems a bit sparse at top? Lots of gleaming working space I guess :)

    Kitchen is great. your cabinets is ALMOST the color I was supposed to have for my kitchen.. but instead picked Neon Green (because I couldn't get the right mintiness asylum color so I didn't want to be disappointed with "almost"). Very inspiring kitchen.

  7. Shining indeed!
    Alex, I love your kitchen - the green of the cupboards is beautiful!
    And the new look blog is fabby - well done you.... clearly there is a hint of Spring down your way encouraging you to tweak the house and shake your duster about! Can't wait to see the changes to the lounge!
    Happy days,
    Denise x

  8. I miss the chooky! *sniffle*

    The new decoration is nice... but I don't know if it's colourful enough for you! It's seems all delicate & subdued... that's not the vibe I get from you at all... ;)

    Gosh I love your kitchen. We had the final inspection of the Cottage yesterday. Yegads I have been remembering it with rose coloured glasses.... brace yourself for some pretty rough "before" photos come friday!

  9. Your kitchen is lovely! Love the shade of green~

  10. I think the new look is heralding spring, so go for it! You already know I love your kitchen... Ours is a clever re-vamp that Ben made of the nasty old units we found when we moved in. He has improved it so much that I am really grateful, but it still isn't really our choice, and I would love something like yours... and will continue to dream...

  11. I love your new header and as you know I am all for stripy tights so delighted they feature heavily! Love the kitchen and I most definitely think if ever mine achieved that level of sparkliness I would get it in print too. Gorgeous shade of green!!

  12. Well, for heavens sake! If that isn't the sweetest looking kitchen, than I don't know what is. LOVE the colors, the open cupboards, the vintage corning ware bowl in the corner...
    And I think the new header is peachy! (tho I, too, shall miss the chook!)

  13. Thank you all for your input, suggestions and all around loveliness!
    I appreciate you taking a moment for me and all the kitchen love.
    I do know that Fran (the chook) has been a complete diva after hearing your comments, there will be no living with her now.

    Kate: You know I appreciate the stripey sock love :)

    Vic: Little known fact, in real life I am a delicate flower, subdued and an introvert...I mean, I can kick your behind if I need to but, otherwise...a shy violet. Can't wait to see the before pics!

  14. YEA! WE got our package! thank you thank you thank! Enjoy our little post of it here

  15. I like the look of your blog. The header is fab. Fresh is a good word that someone else had used. I like the white, but then I would probably like a colour to the background too! I think I'm too eclectic sometimes in my tastes, then I get all indecisive. lol.
    A wonderful kitchen! Colour is fantastic. :)

  16. i love love love the new header! and i am diggin your kitchen, so fun and happy.


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