
Monday, April 19, 2010

Primed Monday

During the weekends I try to stay away from the computer, I really do. Spending time with family, catching up on household 'to dos' and generally getting out and about. Last week was a long one, fraught with appointments and Florence Nightingale duties - by Friday's end I had hit a small but rather sturdy wall. So, leaving the mangled Mr. to read a bed time story to princess spider monkey, I tried to put together a reasonably fashionable ensemble and headed out into the world at large. I went to visit a friend of mine at her wonderful restaurant. Upon seeing the dazed look in my eyes and the carpet bags underneath them, she handed me one of her large, delicious and definitely dangerous 'Sangria de Fonda Rosa'! And then when that was gone, she handed me another.

Come Saturday morning, upon waking I discovered that the small but sturdy wall had fallen on top of me and I was unable to get up. As I lay there thinking about the 5 loads of laundry, the sink full of dishes, the sweeping, general cleaning, 4 pincushions that need to made for a swap and the unfinished dress that were all awaiting me, I took the deepest breath I was able considering a small, sturdy and surprisingly heavy wall was on top of me, and pulled the covers over my head.

The rest of the day was spent in my pajamas doing as little as possible. Someone else was going to have to feed the chickens, fish, cat and two frogs. Someone else was going to have to make the bed, do the dishes, sweep the floors, clean the bathroom, make the pincushions. Oh, wait...there isn't anyone else. Well, I am pretty sure the animals got fed but, everything else was left just as it was, the chaos gathering momentum by the minute. And still, I sat.

The Engineer left at 6pm for an overnight trip and I managed to get Pony Girl bathed and into bed, though not asleep. At 9pm after hearing the menacing sounds of a room being torn apart, I decided against poking my head in to assess the damage since I was just beginning to wiggle out from under the wall. Suddenly, I was free and I got up off the couch with a startling determination. I needed to get to it, so much to be done!

So, I moved the furniture, got out my Spackle knife, armed myself with brush and roller and set about painting the entire living room with primer. All whilst still in my pajamas.

Well, I'm off to tackle the now 6 loads of laundry and whatever else I can manage to cram into a Monday. I hope that you all had a restful weekend!


  1. Oh my. Yesterday out of the clear blue I said "Lord, help Lola carry the whole big, huge load." Try not to look at all of it and do JUST what needs to be done right then. Maybe one load of darks for you three and one load of towels etc..
    Try to go easy on yourself, this has been tramatic emotionally and takes a physical toll too, so just do slow and steady.

  2. sangria does a body good. i like you tat ; )

  3. YOUR tat.
    i need to lay off the sangria i guess.

  4. Do NOT, I repeat Do NOT, stress about those pincushions! Not even a little bit, not even in passing, I will not have it!

    You're rather productive for one with a wall atop them though, I must say.


  5. hurrah!!!! you know there is nothing quite like painting a room to help you come out from under your wall. it is strangely theraputic, whilst you roller, you ponder your thoughts...
    you've gone through and are still going through a tough old time. give yourself a break and concerntrate on your 're-do' and don't worry about the other things, they will get done all in good time :)

  6. Oh, I'm all too familiar with that wall. You have very good reasons to be feeling a little weighed down. Hang in there--although it sounds like you've figured out how to emerge from the rubble quite well!

  7. Oh dear Lola...
    I do believe you did need a giddy night out...and I am sure that the washing waited patiently for you to recover...Funny how that is...
    I always say there is absolutely nothing better than repainting a room to make oneself feel whole again...
    I do think it will lift your spirits to great heights...Well as high as the ceiling that is...
    I do believe that is the worst part of painting thou...It does crink the neck so...
    Have a good week my dear...

  8. Thank you all once again for your kind comments.

    Sherri, you are again so kind it makes me smile.

    Vic, no stress over pincushions, I am quite looking forward to it when I have a moment.

    Michelle, Yes the ceiling does give one a crick in the neck, I'm saving it for last. The room though far from done is already lifting my spirits!


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