
Thursday, June 10, 2010

Family Dinner

chard (silver beet) from the garden

We have a regular family dinner with our extended family. Everyone comes over with the kids and we spend time together devouring food and talking about whatever it is families talk about.

Lots of music conversation (our family is abundant in musicians), how the baby took his first steps just that afternoon, summer plans and general updates on family life.

With the kids there is a certain rambunctious chaos and a few tears but, mostly play and the repeated mantra of "you need to eat 2 more bites of your beets/pasta/salad and then you can have some melon/berries/dessert."

There are weeks that I don't feel like having family dinner, where I'm tired and cranky and would rather work on some other project or just sit quietly instead.

Still...once the dishes have been cleared and the conversation turns to packing up the kids for bath and bed...I am glad for this tradition and grateful to have had this meal together. Sustenance for the body, mind, and spirit.


  1. we wish we could be there, too!
    erika et al

  2. Don't give up the family dinners no matter how much trouble they are. My kids and grandkids aren't ever all together in one place. Due to miles, jobs, new babies I don't even see it in the near future. So enjoy those moments.

  3. Very important, the family dinner. What did you make w/ your Swiss chard--mine is a couple of inches tall out in the garden and I've been pondering what to do with it!

  4. it sounds like a lovely thing, both our families are far away so we miss this.

  5. I love this post! Thanks for sharing this glimps of your special family time.

  6. What a great tradition, you are very lucky! My brothers are all a little younger than me & only just settling down, so we just don't do that kind of thing unless it's an occasion. We always did it as kids, heading over to Nan's or an Aunty's place & the memories are so precious. Enjoy your weekend...

  7. how lovely! and what a wonderful way for the kids to grow up.. something they will always go back to :)

  8. True. And how lucky you are to be so close to your extended family. I long for a time when I can have my siblings and parents for a casual Friday night dinner. xo m.

  9. Goodness that home grown chard looks so good, I quite wish we'd sown some now. So pleased you had a lovely family gathering, we very rarely get to do that and despite the fact it's a lot of hard, it usually leaves a good feeling afterwards. As for 'rambunctious' - I am most certainly going to get that one into my conversation today!!

  10. Thank you for sharing your lovely family dinner. It is a good tradition and forms bonds for the children.

    What do you do with chard other than look at the beautiful colors?

  11. Oh I love silver beet - I'm growing my own this year - can't wait! My family think I'm mad.

  12. What a nice story about family's definitely worth the effort!


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