
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

A Plethora of Pincushions

A while back I signed up for a swap, a pincushion swap over at Punky's Mama which was a sort of extension of Fox's Lane earlier pincushion swap. It was a fun little swap and in the end I made 4 pincushions to send out to 4 people. I thought it was time to have a look-see, a wee show and tell...

The pincushions I made...
I also sent along some chocolates and a dish towel printed with the state of Oregon.

...and now for what I have received.

From Rachelle of Ted and Agnes, a pretty little patchwork number, some lovely Liberty bits and a chocolate that is long gone. Love it all!

From Jo of Crazy Crafter NZ, a gorgeous and colorful roundy cushion, a felty covered tape measure, a doily, some handmade buttons, an embroidered linen, and a super cool clippy.

From Vic of Punky's Mama...well she just went over the top! Along with the super cool and kitschy pincushion with legs, she sent one of her awesome button bracelets and too many other goodies to list!

Along with all that goodness, she sent along a present for Pony Girl. A beautiful handcrafted felted doll (I have since lost the tag so I can't give a mention to the artist who made it) so sweet!

To the lovely ladies, I can not begin to thank you for your creative generosity. I am truly overwhelmed by the time and care that went into each wonderful package. Thank you for all the gorgeous goodness, I had such a grand time sharing with all of you!

As Vic said, "May none of us ever need a pincushion again!"

I will be back tomorrow with more gorgeous by way of the post!


  1. yea for awesome packages! Now you should have a pincushion in every room and probably one to travel with :)

  2. I am so jealous (I know that is so wrong). I love them all..they are all so pretty and who would not be thrilled to get yours. Looks like a good swap all around.
    Sun here finally but I still don't trust yet.

  3. I LOVE the pincushions you made. When will a few end up in your shop???

  4. oh wow! I've never seen so many beautiful pin cushions. Love it!

  5. God - it's like I'm there in person, messing up your place lmao - look at that mismatched mess I have visited upon you! It looks especially haphazard next to all that pretty... pfft!

    The doll was from some local markets here, the tag said 'Marion's Art Dolls', so, and this is just a hunch you understand, I believe her name was Marion. ;)

    I best post my goodies too then, but unlike you my extra goodies have already dispearsed... I mean, well, duh... just look at the shamozzle I send OUT, you can imagine what is still HERE...!


  6. Wow all gorgeous , gorgeous, gorgeous! I especially like the ones you made : )

  7. Woot! All kinds of gorgeous! Lucky ladies...

  8. The pincushions you made are just beautiful and so are all the goodies you received. Yeah for swaps!:)

  9. Of course I love the chicken one the most!

  10. My goodness I love those pincushions. What lovely lovely fabrics. xo m.

  11. Wasn't it a fabulous sway, thank you so much for my lovely package. We will need to do it again soon. Lovely photo's too :)

  12. What great stuff has been buzzing back and forth around the globe. I love those pincushions that you mad. They are divine!

  13. What a gorgeous swap! I wish I had joined in as I didn't join my own. Oh, but then everyone would have to make 5, ummm maybe not. LOve, love, love the ones you made, divine.
    I'm boycotting your sunny post. I couldn't be more jealous if I tried. It hasn't stopped raining for days here and is foggy and dark. Hmph.
    have a fab weekend. X

  14. clearly i need to get reading more blogs (for which i so do not have the time), what an awesome swap!

    i simply adore your pincushions, a.d.o.r.e, will you make them for the etsy shop?? if so, consider this an order:)


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