
Monday, August 2, 2010

Hello Monday - We're Jammin'

Yes, it's more jam. This time, Marionberry. Marionberries are similar to Blackberries or Boysenberries and they make the most delicious jam, really! Deep purpley goodness. Yesterday we processed the berries, leaving our fingers stained and the kitchen steamy.

Any berries that were remaining after the jam fest, were put to work as a mash over vanilla ice cream. Pure summer taste!

While we have been spending most of our time out of doors, enjoying the summer tent and the garden, I have managed a wee bit of sewing craftyness. Most of it I can't show you (oh yes, quite the tease aren't I?). However, I have been working on a new pattern for a shopping bag.

And once I get a few kinks worked out, I'm hoping to provide the pattern and a tutorial in the next couple of weeks!

Here is a little extra Monday goodness for you - Sherri of Little House in Paradise is having a contest! It's all about cookbooks and you have until August 12 to enter. Here are the details. Please pop on over to her lovely blog and tell her Lola sent you, she is just as nice as can be!

Happy Monday!


  1. How nice of you to mention the contest and the kind words, thank you!
    Berries, hurray! I am heading down the 5 and have a date with my sister in Portland to do up some jam on Thursday so it is good to know they are ready...your jars look beautiful...Looking forward to seeing the results of the bag.
    Have a great Monday.

  2. Oooh, secret sewing! Hmmm....

    Like the look of the shopping bag, too.

  3. I crave your jam on ice cream. I can't say that I have ever had a marionberry but they sure do look like blackberries. I loooove blackberrys on icecream, oh and cobblers, too!

  4. Love the bag. May be you should organise a jam and pickle swap! Your jam looks too good to be true!

  5. Never heard of marionberries before but they sure do look delicious. My plum jam from last year has dwindled to just one jar - not quite going to get me through to when I can make some again! x

  6. Forget shopping bag – I’d happily wear that fine specimen! And even though this is the first time I have heard of a marionberry, I am quite sure that in all their lusciousness they should be called maidmarionberries...

    (loving the look of your summer - she types with frosted fingers).

  7. No frikkin idea what a marionberry is but they sound & look amazing!

    I agree with Tania re: the wearing & the freezing... *brrrrrrr*


  8. oooh miss Lola Nova, your jam looks wonderful... and yes, such an incredible colour!

    i'm also loving your wee shoping bag, goodness knows i have a ton of fabric just lounging about my wee studio and this would be a great use for it... i shall keep my eyes peeled for your tutorial... :)

    a fabulous day to you,
    emma x

  9. Oh jam making season seems like a gazillion years away.Your coulours are so happy and optimistic. I'm afraid here it is grey, grey, grey and wet! Yesterday we almost got rained in. All the bottom of our property is under water. If you wake up tomorrow and there is a stranger lounging in your sun tent, please don't panic, its just me. X

  10. I'd never heard of a marionberry before, I wonder how different they are to the blackberry. Anyway, they do look good, particularly in those gorgeous jars you've got.

    Your bag looks super too, love the fabric.

  11. Oh yum that jam looks delicious - gorgeous jars too.

  12. looking gooood! (you are so jam clever:) and i love the fabric you used in bag too. happy... well it is tuesday, no actually it has turned wednesday already, well happy wednesday then!

  13. absolutely lovely jamming there miss Lola Nova.
    this marionberry you speak of looks YUMMY!


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