
Monday, October 25, 2010

Hello Monday - Mary Go 'Round

This weekend as the clouds gathered and drops began to fall, a pumpkin haired Annie kept popping to mind as I sang, "Here comes the rain again..." We had some lovely weather this October, sunny and bright fall days that I am very grateful for. I think it's here though, the rainy season.

With the rain, my apparent obsessive need for crocheting in circles has returned. What is it about hooking 'round and 'round that calls to me? Is it some meditative practice, like chanting a mantra over and over? Perhaps I should crochet myself a mandala, ooh now there's a thought! Hang on a sec' while I jot that down in my "Book of Big Ideas".

This weekend, whilst doing a quick tidy, I picked up one of Pony Girl's dress up bracelets that had seen better days. It was such a forlorn little thing, I was about to toss it in the bin, when I had a change of heart and an idea.

Out came hook and yarn, had a quick bit of mental preparation, found a cozy spot on the sofa...and I was off! Soon I was crocheting crowns for pumpkins, rings around posies, circles of flower power, creating the next craze in couture accessories... 'Good Heavens!' I thought, why these are just a treat and useful for so many things!
Really, I do think that they would make a stunning garland and a very sweet ornament that makes up quick like a bunny for holiday gifts.

I thought perhaps some of you crafty folk might like to have a go at these sweeties.. So, tomorrow I am going to do something I have never done before. I am going to post a crochet tutorial! I am going to show you how to make one of these "Mary Go 'Rounds" for yourself. (Named for Mary, one of my first childhood friends. We used to play 'flower shop' in the forest everyday until dark. We would pick wildflowers and weave them into tree branches. We made bouquets of wild iris, columbine, fern and salmon berry. We never had a customer but, we loved our flower shop in the woods.)

I hope I get it right and I hope you will come back tomorrow and give it a try!


  1. Yippy! These are dandy and so are you for giving us how to lessons. You are such and artist to come up with this, I think your "Mary Go Rounds" will be a wild hit.

    Congrats on over 300 followers!

  2. Lovely post. First picture made me feel very happy, something about a simple shot and gorgeous crochet that just hits the spot for me.

    What a magical sounding flower shop in the woods.

    Lisa x

  3. These are very cheery; can't wait for the tutorial tomorrow. And, I love the story behind the name "Mary Go Round"!

  4. Oh, now you've set me off on a big Eurythmics thing (and I'm very happy that you did!). Um ba, do da-dah-dah da dah, dah da, da, dahaa! (If you get my reference.)

    You also make me wish I could crochet. Pearly Queen has sent me a How to Crochet DVD so I really have to get that out when I get home. I can't get over how cute those Mary go Rounds are.

  5. That is such great upcycling! i love it. i reckon they could still be bracelets too... everythign looks nicer with a little bit of crochet on top... can't wait for the tutorial.

  6. I would love to have visited your flower shop in the woods :-)
    Hey the Mary Go Rounds are just splendid - you are very clever indeed! And there's a bit of a crochet circle thing going on over at Pia's too - maybe it's the season for circles :-)
    Looking forward to your hooky tutorial - not least because I can crochet but have no idea how to follow a crochet pattern - so please write it for the crochet-illiterate amongst us ;-)
    Happy days,
    Denise x

  7. They look so great, and I can imagine so many different uses for them. Put them around the base of a candle, hang them on a doorknob, place them over the top of a lamp shade.... I also like the ornament idea, as I give out ornaments every year and haven't yet decided what I'd like to do. (Too many choices, but at least I'll have ideas for years to come!)

  8. I'm loving you Mary Go 'Rounds! That's inspired, that is! (That's what they'd say in the south west of England :)

    PS I'm thinking my eyes I playing with me, for a second I thought you said you should crochet yourself a mandela.. huh???

  9. doh! spelling! now my fingers are playing with me.

  10. oooh your Mary go rounds are GREAT! They'd look awesome on a chistmas tree. -or as a garland! or in any context really!

  11. Well I do declare, those are the most fashionable pumpkins I ever did see.

  12. oh these little 'mary go rounds' have me rather excited. being unable to crochet anything in a round successfully i have high hopes for your tutorial...
    indeed i am wondering if i will beable to sleep tonight, what with the thought of mastering a circlular crochet tutorial and having Annie now singing in my head!
    lola! this may be worth all the crappity crap weather we are having...

  13. Oh they are just so fabulous!!!
    I love circles...and rounds and well anything that is crocheted...
    Will be looking forward to your tutorial...

  14. you know i love these, and even better you posted them on my birthday;) as soon as my sore thumb/hand/wrist is better i will be trying this for sure!


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