
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Scrap Iron

Someone gave me a bag of mostly vintage fabric scraps, how nice! They had been in their mother's damp basement for years and smelled so very musty, less nice. After two very sound washing/drying cycles with extra vinegar in the rinse, much better indeed. Now that they were fresh and clean, there was just the massive tangle of threads and wrinkled up balls to contend with.

I spent a very meditative evening with my steam iron and at least a hundred lovely scraps...

...all the time imagining their possibility.


  1. Good morning. How nice to see through my morning eyes your piles of scraps so beautiful that it makes my heart sing! There will be no end to the wonderful creations that you, with you sewing ways, will create.

  2. i can't wait to see what you do with them!

  3. What a treasure trove! Very cool. Looking forward to see what comes of them all.

  4. ooh, aren't they gorgeous?!
    I love the one with the patchwork effect and chicken print on it. I can just imagine your dreaming as you ironed them all - for me that's the perfect time to get to know a fabric and decide how to use it.
    Have fun!
    D xx

  5. Very cool! You have some lovely prints there. I would have a hard time deciding how to use each one!

  6. Lucky lucky lucky you. All that ironing will be worth it. All those possibilities waiting to be discovered. Humm.

  7. Oh wow! I am drooling here, I love that first one.
    Imagine if they could talk, where have they been, what were they, who danced in them, we can only imagine.... and dream a little of their new lives. x

  8. Can't wait to see what you do with them, I hope you let us see. They're lovely, lucky you. x

  9. pretty, pretty scraps. very inspiring. :)

  10. Oh those are some very lovely scraps!

  11. Oh wow, lucky you! I look forward to seeing what you do with all those piles of loveliness!

  12. Oooh - the possibilities!! I definitely don't envy you the ironing, but must say "scrap iron"?! Brilliance.

  13. I'm very excited at what will develop from your creative mind. And I love the little chicken print.

  14. oooooooh lovely scraps! What a delight!

  15. i think i'm a little jealous! hahah fabulous gift...:) i can't wait to see what you do with them all...


  16. I'm back again, following up your comment over on mine ! I like your light duty days and the movie sessions, and realise I could be doing this kind of thing more than I am - so thanks for the tip!
    I too share the rough experience of it all and often I'm in awe of friends who seem to have a much easier experience. After 30+ years, I'd be grateful now if Mother Nature stepped in and magicked it all away!
    Have a lovely weekend and "see" you in blogland next week!
    Denise x

  17. OHHH! I can only imagine what lovely things you will dream up using that fabric!

  18. gorgeousness! oh, i really should get the cleaning up of studio done because all this inspirational scraps and fabrics going on everywhere is just too too much...


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