
Friday, October 8, 2010

Today is Friday

and there is no school. The small one and I are picking the finally ripe tomatoes off the plants before the rain comes in earnest. We are discussing what delicious things we will make.

Speaking of tomatoes, Sherri from The Kitchen Calls, is having another fabulous contest giveaway, you should check it out!

Have a lovely weekend!


  1. My tomatoes went all 'yukky' :-( think it was the wet September we had that killed them off.

    Have a lovely weekend.

  2. Oh yuuuuuuuuuum, they look amazing!!!

  3. Your tomatoes look good, what is that really light colored one?

    Thanks for the shout out re: the giveaway...remember you don't have to have made the recipe, just send a link to me...Easy.

    Thanks for the words of wisdom too.

  4. Oh they look lovely! I was excited when some of my tomatoes finally started to ripen, but I still have many green ones on the vine.

    And thanks for the comment about the apple butter! I would love to hear how it comes out. Do you use the crock pot? This was the first time I have done it that way and I love how much easier and carefree it was!

  5. aren't you the lucky one to have tomatoes! i too and curious about the light color ones~ our tomatoes did terrible this rain

    happy weekending~

  6. Your tomatoes look gorgeous, so tasty. Ours didn't really do it this year sadly.

  7. oh I do love tomatoes !! We're still cropping them from the garden which makes me happy.
    Thanks for popping by, and Fern is quite delighted with your admiration :-)

    Denise x


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