
Monday, December 20, 2010

Hello Monday

Happy Monday my friends! I'm back from my busy week on the first official day of the school holidays.
I want to thank you all for the lovely comments and birthday wishes you sent my way. They certainly cheered me up and put me in a birthday state of mind. Unfortunately, due to some sort of technical glitch, I have been unable to reply to comments individually. Hopefully that will sort itself out soon. In the meantime please know that I read all of your words and appreciate them immensely!

The day itself was just right. I was surprised by The Engineer and Pony Girl with a pancake breakfast, then spent the morning with a little yarn on the sofa next to a glorious spot of sun. There was a crazy trip to the thrift store and then a dinner date with the Mr. - after which I was reminded of the danger lurking in drinks that come with sippy straws. All in all, a very pleasant day.
I even managed a photo for my 'self portrait experiment' which I had been neglecting. I think I will be starting that back up again in earnest at the new year...possibly a flickr group in the works.

I've been hoping for snow but, instead we have dark, cold and rainy. I do believe some tent building and bread baking are in order for the day. I'm also itching to know what all of you have been up to so, I might come visiting. If you hear an unexpected knock at the door, it could be me.

Have a sweet day!


  1. Tent building is the best :)!!! Glad you had a wonderful birthday, sounds like it was a great one.

  2. It all sounds wonderful, and your portrait? Lovely. You are beautiful.

  3. And what a beautiful birthday girl you are! Have a wonderful Monday.

  4. You're welcome to visit! The house is (nearly) ready for visitors, and now my father is stuck in the snow so hasn't arrived...

    I finally did a post yesterday about some of the struggles our boys have had recently - the one I told you I hadn't dared to do before. So thanks for your courage in posting your own experiences.

    And you look fantastic in that self-portrait! Norman Rockwell with a slight edge...

  5. Think tent building sounds just perfect to me. May have to follow your lead on that some time this week. I suggest you do a snow dance inside the tent. You never know it may work.

  6. Oh happy belated birthday for Friday lovely lady. You do fabulous 'self portrait'. But I'm a bit curious about the sippy straw drink incident...?

  7. pancake breakfast-spot of sun on the sofa and knitting-what fun!
    glad to hear you had a wonderful day :)
    wish i could send you some snow your way-we're getting more tonight!
    take care~

  8. Stunning photo. And any birthday involving yarn and surprise pancakes would have to be a brilliant one!

  9. Oh what, what, WHAT ? I missed a chance to loudly sing a rendition of Happy Birthday ? Well darn it, that will never do, so we'll make it a belated rendition shall we : Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Haaaappy Birthday Dear Aaaaaalex, Happy Birthday to you...and many mooooore :)XxXxXx

  10. I can't think of anything better than sitting in a tent and eating pancakes. One more day teaching and I'll finally be off to play with my lovely girls too.

    Fantastic picture you know.

    Lisa x

  11. So pleased to hear you were celebrated in style!
    Huge and happy birthday and a bit late wishes from me.
    I'm off to do a little tidy up and put the kettle on in preparation for your visit.

  12. I love, love, *love* that photo! I can smell the baking bread already!

  13. That sounds like a perfect birthday!
    I can share some of my snow if you like, we've got plenty to go round!
    Vivienne x

  14. Just look at you, gorgeous! I'm glad you had a great birthday, and I hope you are thoroughly enjoying this festive season...x
    ps.I like the self portrait idea, perhaps I'll join you, there are very few pictures of me on my blog..oh dare I...

  15. I love the picture! glad you had a funday Birthday!x

  16. absolutely gorgeous!! lovely self portrait, so calm, such intense concentration.
    glad you had a wonderful birthday and hope you got lots of squishy hugs aswell.
    have a wonderful day, I am in and tea & cupcakes await you ♥

  17. Bread baking indeed! Pretty photo. :)

  18. Happy Birthday again dear heart & now I AM belated... ;)

    Just scooting over quickly to wish you, ponygirl & the engineer a most fabulous Christmas & holiday season, I hope to be around again much more in the new year, harrassing you & being happily inspired. xo

  19. Well, I'd like to celebrate your birthday, too, because the world is a better place with you in it!

    Wonderful self portrait: So TODAY while being so YESTERYEAR. Timeless is the word, I think.


I do so love you taking the time to leave a word, I read every comment and they truly make my day! Unfortunately, at this time I am unable to accept "Anonymous" comments.