
Thursday, January 6, 2011

10 in 10 for 10 - x 2

Days 3 and 4 rolled into one...

Yesterday I never got out to take my ten. It was raining, pouring, the old man was snoring, and I had a date with some denim and the 'Fraulein' for some stitchery. So today I decided to double the flavor, double the fun and take 20 in 20.

I have to say these are the first I really like. I just focused on color, shape and texture and I think they are pretty ok.

click on the pic for a good look-see

Now for the second 10...

Just don't tell Pony Girl that I went to the park without her.

This is fun, wanna see who else is playing along?
Fledge - flying is easy
Flaming Nora
Handmade - Homegrown
Mad Crafty Mama

I know another one or two who might be joining in soon, I'll keep you posted. Thanks so much to Nancy for putting this into motion!

P.S. I did fix my settings before I went out to take the shots but, I did not touch a thing once I started my photo shoot - nor did I edit after.


  1. Yesterday was a mess but you sure made up for lost time today! I like both groupings and my very favorite is the little fun that would be.

  2. Yes, that first set is fabulous, and I, too, love the little trailer.

  3. Love how every picture is so different but they go together so well!!!

  4. wow! love the colours, mine are rather grey and rain sodden today.

  5. Great pictures, love the colours in the first set. I just joined in, also hoping the rain will stop so I can get out tomorrow.

  6. wonderful mosaics!!
    no editing, nice! I love to edit.
    happy day to you ♥

  7. What a great me-me! Looks like a lot of fun. I really must stop by more often!

  8. Good shots and a fun game. I will be following this very carefully. It is a free form of photography I find appealing.

  9. ALEX! These are gorgeous photos! Old-man-is-snoring days offer such saturated colors. That top bunch with that teardrop camper thingie? I'm crushin' BIG TIME. Me wantie camper thingie. I love all the repeated curves and circles in your mosaic. Love, love, love it all!


  10. Fantastic photos - they way you have a theme, especially for your first mosaic here, is just fantatic! I'm trying to interest Son 1 in this project - maybe only for one day, but it's an interesting and achievable idea.

  11. Wow, wow, wow. Fantastic photos today. Loving the colours and shapes plus the way they go together. Regretting my b&w theme now!

  12. i love them especially the first set!

    i did my first 10 today, need to upload. you will love the place.


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