
Friday, January 21, 2011


all images from here

The continuing rain and dark days have just about done my head in, that's what I get for living in the Pacific Northwest. Just so you know, I wouldn't want to live any where else but, there are days...

Even though it's raining, there is a little sunshine in my heart today. Yesterday, I got to see an old friend after many years of having lost touch. Despite the 12 years of being apart, and the many stories necessary to catch up, it was like we simply picked up where we left off.

Have you ever met someone, and right away you just know you're gonna be friends for a long time?

Last week I had been watching something on TV that made me think of my friend. Even though I had tried before in vain to find him, I thought I'd give it another go. Thanks to the tricky ways of the internet, this time I got lucky. Lo and behold, he was going to be in town in a few days and he was coming to see me!

We were flat-mates once upon a time, one of the best room mates I ever had. We got along famously and had a blast together. He called me 'Chicken' and I called him 'Freak', though they sound a bit iffy as nicknames, they truly were terms of endearment. After we left our house to each move in with our boyfriends (which ended poorly for both of us), we lost touch.

Turns out, he lives only a couple of hours away! We got to hang out and we talked straight through the couple of hours we had, laughing for much of it. As we hugged goodbye - we promised to never, ever lose touch again. It takes a special sort of friendship to bridge that gap of time and life and still be as comfortable and happy together. I am feeling most fortunate to have found my friend again, I almost don't mind the rain.

May your weekend be blessed with friends!


  1. so lovely. it is amazing what friendships can survive :)

  2. True friends are a blessing that time does not seem to tarnish. I have had a few of those in my life. I cherish each and every one.

  3. I too have a friendship like this. We go great lengths of time without seeing each other but when we do it's wonderful!
    Your post warmed my heart :)

  4. That is so great!

    I have a few friedns like that that i don't see for ages and when I do we just pick p where we left off.... over hte years I have realised I cannot keep track of everyone and so many have fallen away... but new ones come along all the time!

  5. A friend of mine once said to me that she loved the fact we could not speak for sometimes years (the glory of text and e-mail I guess) and yet when we do we will just pick up the unfinished conversation of all those years ago and start running. She said this was the mark of a true and deep friendship. Can't argue with that. Days like yours are ones we remember for ever. happy happy.
    On another note, put another self portrait up today.

  6. Friendships like this are rare, but oh so special. Glad you found each other again.

  7. Great you found each other again! I have a good friend - I hardly see her, but I'm always there for her and she for me. It's her birthday tomorrow and her daughter's arranged a surprise party! Should be good :)

  8. True friendships can survive anything!
    It's great that you were able to spend some time together again. :)
    Vivienne x

  9. Some people you just connect with and the ease of it all never goes away. My dearest friend, who is more of a sister to me, emigrated five years ago. We miss the chats over coffee, the hugs and all, but our friendship has stayed as strong. She makes me roar with laughter in her daft emails and supports me immediately when crap happens. True friendship can cope with any distance.

    Glad you had such a great time, it really makes you feel good days like that.


  10. How wonderful is that! I am happy you reconnected again. True friendships are so special...

  11. sounds lovely indeed! such a wonderful way to start a new year. happy weekending!

  12. Hi there, that's so sweet. And exciting too, I imagine you felt 20 and carefree all over again. Love the dungarees you made for PG.

    Happy weekend x

  13. What a wonderful reconnection! May you have many more, and more frequently!!!

    Nancy in Iowa

  14. ahhhh the magic of being reunited with true friends.......

    hello my lovely

    i have a little award for you on my blog, which i think you so much deserve.
    don't worry if you don't do the award thing, i'll understand. just wanted to mention how much i love your beautiful blog

    warmest hugs xxx

    your photographs ate out-of-this-world, the best!

  15. The stuff of Skip in Your Step and Smile on Your Dial. So inspired by all of your carpe diem!

  16. I missed this post..It must have been while I was traveling on Friday...Anyway, yes, I have gone for years without seeing that special one that you lose track of and pick right up again..makes you wonder how a friendship like that slips away.

  17. What a beautiful friendship, lucky you! I've sent a little something your way, pop on over to loved & take a peek...x

  18. Give it up then..... why chicken? x


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