
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Maverick Craftwork

I started a project that is a wee bit outside the norm for me. I usually make things that are useful in some way, as opposed to "just because it's awesome". There is something downright practical about me and making. That doesn't mean I don't get carried away and color outside the lines from time to time. I have ideas and they swim around in my mind occasionally making a big splash. Well, it was about time I paid attention and did something about it. I went maverick!

Not only did I go maverick but, I went multi-medium! I haven't been overly cautious, I have not plotted it all out down to the last detail, and I have let the piece guide me along. There have been messes, mistakes, wonk, and an undoing or two. Guess what, I'm loving it!

It's almost finished, I think. I'll be sure and show you when it's done. For now, I am just going to enjoy this new found freedom of expression.

Have a maverick day my friends!


  1. Ooh, fun! I agree that it's good to step outside the 'useful' box every now and then, and I can't wait to see the results. Thanks for your comment - I'm getting on pretty quickly with my 'project', mainly beccause it involves no sewing!

  2. Ah, mystery is in the air!


  3. I love that you are doing this! This is what I like is kind of like misbehaving and it feels real good! he, he, he.
    Can't wait to see it.

    Have fun!

  4. Looks exciting! Always good to step outside the box :)

  5. I'm curious now!!
    Vivienne x

  6. Looks delightful...can't wait for the reveal!

  7. Loving it in all it’s sneak-peak maverick fabuloso-ness!

  8. you're so creative! can't wait to see the finished product~

  9. Oh YAY!! I love it when that feeling takes over, like a little fire in your belly & you try something new & exciting. I love what I can see of it so far..

  10. oooh exciting, mucky bits and hand stitching too - show us more...

  11. It already looks great! Can't wait to see the final project!

  12. Can't think of anything nicer than a rootin', tootin', James Garner swagger, maverick sort of a day! x

  13. Not planning can be so challenging, but so exciting too!

  14. YOU ARE KILLING ME!!! i AM DYING TO SEE IT!! I bet it is fabulous!

  15. Great way to leave us hanging over the weekend. I can't wait to see your creation.

  16. I can't wait....pins and needles

  17. Ooooh, exciting, is it show and tell time yet ?

  18. Really nice project! I loved it! I've been thinking about stencils lately. Yesterday I've tried a bit with freezer paper and it worked just fine. Ideas are popping and I can't wait to do something cool. Going maverick is the way to go!


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