
Friday, April 29, 2011

The 'little sisters' and a big secret sneak peek revealed!

I just happened to be about in the outer limits of my city when I recalled a certain thrifty spot I had long ago discovered. I thought that since I was not often in this neck of the woods, I ought to take advantage and have a wee perusal. As I sidled up and down aisles my hopes were slipping for there was nothing of note in sight, not a pillow case, not the red enamel pot I had imagined, nor any handbag of interest...I was just about to throw in the towel and call it a wash. Then, as I shuffled past the shelves of wooden misfits, I spied a flash of red coming from under a heavily lacquered burl-wood clock. "What's this?" thought I.

"OH, Hello little one I like you a lot, what's that you say, your sister?" Oh goodness me oh my - at the opposite end of the aisle there she lay, a bit befuddled behind a rather ugly breakfast tray. "Yes, you two will be coming home with me for certain! Now what was that you said about some babies, or was it pets? Can you speak above a whisper? No matter, I will see what I can do. By jove, I think I've spotted them!" And we all walked purposefully up to the register and paid the little money required, then all of the 'little sisters' and I went straight away home for a bit of clean up and a tea party!

Over tea I told them of my super secret, super exciting news. It was such a treat to able to tell somebody! We discussed it and decided that it was time to share it with you all and to give a sneak peek!

Mollie Makes is a new craft magazine coming out of the UK and Lola (yours truly) is in it! I am a bit beside myself with excitement! I have also come to find out that my dear friend Tif, Dottie Angel, will have a spread of her own in the magazine, so you know I am in good company. There is no doubt a gaggle of gifted folks sure to show up on the pages of this very pretty publication.

The magazine is due out in the UK May 12th and in the US June 9th. Mollie Makes will be available at Barnes and Noble and Joannes here in the states. If you go over to the Mollie Makes blog, you can order 3 issues for £5 for you in the UK. If you want to find out the latest, checkout their Facebook Page. Goodness, I'm so glad I am able to share the news, I was ready to burst! I am anxiously awaiting my very own copy.

I am wishing you all a very sweet weekend!


  1. What a day! is all I can say. I love your little girlies at the top - why don't we get things like that in charity shops over here? And Mollie Makes looks fantastic - I am off to look it up.

    Pomona x

  2. What sweeties! AND YOU ARE FAMOUS!! a UK Magazine.. ohhh I'm so excited!!

  3. Congrats! That's very good news. :)

    Great thifty find, by the way.

  4. Foof! well thats me impressed for the evening. Off to see if they will be stocking it any where near me.

  5. Congrats Congrats Congrats!!! That is exciting news - I will have to get myself a copy.

  6. I always knew you'd be World Famous!!! I am jumping up and down and clapping my hands, I can hardly wait to see it. Will you get an early copy? If you do will you share some things with us?..Yippy!!!...Oh, Congratulations!

  7. Your little sisters are precious - what a great find!

    And congratulations! That is magnificent news!!

    Nancy in Iowa

  8. Oh my goodness, that is terrbily exciting!
    Congratulations Ms. And you have a wonderful weekend too. x

  9. Published Across The Pond, no less! Congratulations excellent crafty type person. x

  10. HOw exciting. I heard about the magazine a while back and have been eagerly waiting for it's arrival, now more reason to want a read.


  11. Congrats! That is so awesome! You certainly are a top knotch blogger. I love to read your posts. Hug that cute pony girl of yours for me....she is surely a doll!

  12. Yay for you!!! What great news. Thanks for sharing. Such an honor, I'm sure, to be part of a new craft magazine.

    Love your thrifty finds too--so cute.

  13. Congrats to you! Very well deserved.

  14. Congratulations on being published in a magazine. How exciting! And I love the little sisters.

  15. Oh I NEED a copy! I must have one!

  16. That is brilliant! i want one too! It looks lovely.

  17. Can I get a copy of these here in Australia?
    Please let me know Lola if anyone has a online shop that ships downunder...

  18. Wow!! Congratulations ! Really, looking forward to seeing this new mag. :)
    Vivienne x

  19. How exciting. Congratulations.

  20. congrats!! how cool is that?!
    i'm anxious to see the magazine as i'm sort of a magazine-a-holic ;)

  21. Many congratulations, I hadn't heard of this mag so thanks for the tip-off. You can bet I shall be checking you/it out.


  22. Wheee! That is most exciting stuff... have you introduced those exotic sisters to the lumberjack yet... I do believe his head will spin! x

  23. Oh skip-er-dee-doo-dah - what hugely exciting news and so well deserved! Which of your creations will be in there?

  24. ohhh congrats on the spread that is so awesome!
    and i love your little thrift finds too!


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