
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Little Wing

The sun has graced us these last couple of days, sprouts are shooting up out of the ground, flowers are blooming, and butterflies are arriving! I have been capturing them in bell jars, framing them in old wood, and meditating on their transformational nature. I am ready for a change.

We have been host to a sudden pilgrimage of old friends from far flung ports, all arriving at the same time as the butterflies. There has been feasting, conversation, outdoor games and all manner of goings on.

Pony Girl has been chasing winged creatures from the seat of her pink streamer bedecked bicycle, practicing the difficult brake + steering maneuvers, only one training wheel whispering along the ground while the rest of her seems to take flight.

Oh, and there have been plantings, both of the edible and the decorative. Such a good feeling to get that gritty soil under my fingernails, so much promise in the act of putting something growing into the ground. Peas, potatoes, lettuces, greens, herbs, grasses, lavenders, and what will be legendary gargantuan Sunflowers! Oh happy sun, wont you make yourself at home for a while?

Would you like to capture some butterflies of your own? Here's how:
Simply look with your best butterfly spotting spectacles, you can often find them flitting about "google images". Once you have spied your most favorite 'little wings' you can print them onto card stock. You may, as I did, take colored pencils and markers to their wings for a bit of a gussy. For the framed lovelies, I stuck on a bit of tape to the backside and attached them to some tacks. For butterflies under glass, tape a thread to the critter and then to the lid of the jar to create a suspended beauty.

Happy day to you!


  1. Those are beautiful, thank you.

  2. haha i had to laugh at the end of the post because i was thinking: oh no! sad little butterflies in those jars :-(
    i'm going to spot some butterflies at google :-)

    Annis from

  3. Love the ones in jars, such a simple idea but so effective xx

  4. A beautiful spin on capturing beauty!

  5. Oh this is wonderful - my daughter often cries at the 3rd Tinkerbell movie because the father catches butterflies. She gives him a good scolding, but I think she would enjoy this project.

  6. A very kind way to 'capture and keep' the beautiful butterflies, they do look pretty...Love the mental image of Pony Girl with her training wheels, brings back memories of our little ones years ago.

  7. I have been getting dirt under my fingernails today - sowing seeds and potting on. It is unbelievably warm and sunny here at the moment - worryingly so.

    Pomona x

  8. Ha, ha, yes, like Anis, you had me for a minute there - thought you'd been out with a butterfly net! Lovely! Abby x

  9. You had me too - my heart was pounding!! They do look super sweet though, especially in the jars.

    I've been enjoying our premature summer too and have been sowing seeds and getting dirty - feels so good to be outdoors.

  10. Love all the butterfly makes!! :)
    You are so right nothing like getting dirt under your nails, so good for the soul!
    Vivienne x

  11. Oh, I was so ready to shake my finger at you! I couldn't imagine you would snuff a butterfly just for a pretty hanging....whew!! Now I LOVE your idea!!!

    Nancy in Iowa

  12. What a fabulous idea! I really should buy some more printer ink soon.... with projects like this around...!

    (I won't of course, I almost think it's cheeaper to buy a new printer when it runs out if ink!)

  13. or imagine a string of them all sewn together like a garland. that would be nice.

  14. ...seriously in love with this idea!

  15. Do you think refinitively dead, half-dried-out stick insects would have the same sort of effect? Hmn.

  16. Love those butterflies. Yay for sun!

  17. So beautiful. You've inspired me! And I also was about to get all uppity about capturing them in jars... This is the cruelty-free version, brilliant!

  18. so springy! happy easter to you and yours!



  19. Funny! I loved reading the comments too...

    There's a jeweller who lives in a treehouse in Endinborough (??) who makes jewellery out of real, fallen butterfuly wings. I've never been sure I want to buy them, even though they are totally ecologically friendly and no butterflies were harmed etc... I think I prefer your version!

  20. Wow, you had me worried Lola.

    I laughed at the end. But seriously the jar idea is really cute and would make a fun rainy crafts with the kidlets.

  21. Feeling the butterfly love...

  22. ooohh, nice, me likes ALOT!!
    i love butterflies, so beautiful.
    I must get onto that "Mr google" real soon ♥

  23. Hi Lola..just came visiting though Tif! I am kinda relieved that they are not 'real' butterflies in your jars and on your little display unit!! Now they are more beautiful to me. Have a lovely day!


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