
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Strawberry Huller

A lot of you commented on or asked about the little tool from my jam post. It's called a strawberry Huller. We bought ours at a local market but, I happened to find it on line in case anyone else is interested. You can find it at for a mere $2.50.



  1. thanx for the tip! it's very handy indeed!

  2. thanks for sharing.
    we made our strawberry preserves without a huller and had to pluck out the stems with our fingers.
    this tool looks quite handy for that.

  3. Yours is nice and shiny, the one I have is old but still works well. I see them at the thrift shops, on occasion. They do make the job much easier...a good little tool to have.

  4. Heh heh. I knew what it was, because my Mum had one for about six months when I was a teenager. Then it was lost (no doubt) forever. Ever since, every strawberry hulling has involved the "I wish I had one of those doo-dads" thought. $2.50 you say?

  5. i'm really a stickler when it comes to strawberry stems, so i need something more than that, well at leas when you want to eat the strawberries fresh. for fab jam this is a neat thing.

    i stumbled over the stem gem a whole back, it has since been my best strawberry friend:)-

    it's of american design so i'm guessing it's easier to find there than here.


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