
Wednesday, September 28, 2011


That little curly headed baby is my grandpa, Douglas. I called him Papa.

He was born in 1909.

He was a good man, a very good man.Last week he passed away at the age of 101. He lived a long and happy life. I am incredibly grateful that he was my grandfather, that I had him in my life for so long. He was so very dear to me.
D.D. Moore
1909 - 2011
Gone Fishin'



  1. What a lovely tribute to your 'opa'! (= Dutch for grandpa)
    It sounds like he had a grant life...

  2. I am truly sorry for your loss. Even when our loved ones have long lives it is still not easy to say goodbye. My grandma was also 101 when she passed...It is good to have the fond memories. xo

  3. I'm really sorry to hear of the loss of your Papa. It's never easy to lose someone you love. Many hugs.

  4. What a beautiful tribute. I'm so sorry for your loss.

  5. I'm so sorry for your loss.
    It must be some comfort to know that he led a long and happy life.
    However I know that he will have left a huge space in your world, so I'm thinking about you.
    Vivienne x

  6. i'm sorry for your loss, but also happy that you were blessed with someone good and important in your life for that long. 101 years old, wow.


  7. So sorry for your loss but I'm sure you will have lots of wonderful memories of 'papa'.
    What a fantastic age 101!
    A lovely tribute.
    Carol xx

  8. So sad when some one we love is no longer there.
    Thinking of you. xxx

  9. Whoa. That's wonderful and touching. I hope my grandma lives that long. You're lucky to have such a nice stash of photos of your grandpa. RIP . . .

  10. So sorry for your loss. What wonderful pictures and memories. 101 is amazing.

  11. Lola Nova, I am so sorry for your sore heart, but as Diane always says about her own beloved grandmother (also passed away at 101), she got away and made her great escape. I'm sure your grandfather is having many more adventures now.

    With love,
    Nancy in Iowa

  12. My thoughts and prayers are with you my dear friend.

  13. Your grandfather must have seen alot in those 101 years. I bet he had some great stories. Sorry for your loss. Sounds like he was a wonderful man. I like the "gone fishing".

  14. Gorgeous photos of a gorgeous Grandpa. Big hugs to you XXXJ.

  15. I am so sorry for your loss xx
    That last pic is beautiful.

  16. Aw, lovey; so sorry to hear that you lost your Papa.

    It sounds like he had a wonderful life and you will have plenty of wonderful memories.


  17. What a special story told in photos. So sorry for your loss.

  18. I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. big love to you xoxo

  19. Thank you all for your very sweet comments, they have made me smile.

  20. I never seem to come up with the right words maybe there isnt any...

    May his memories live with you for a long time : o )

  21. These photos are a treat to see. Thankyou for showing us. Thinking of you.

  22. So sorry to hear of your loss, but lots of happy memories I'm sure. Big hugs xx

  23. So sorry for your loss! What a beautiful tribute to your grandpa!

  24. Such a loving testament to your grandpa. The photos are fascinating as must have been the times he lived through.

    Love to you.


  25. I lost my grandpa 2 weeks ago, 3 days before his 95th birthday. He wanted lasagna for his big day so we made the lasagna, wore his ball caps, and toasted his love and life. My heart is heavy but we must celebrate.

  26. What wonderful pictures of an obviously wonderful & loved man, he'll be with you always.

  27. This is such a wonderful post. The photos, the words .. what a tribute to your grandpa, you really have done him and your family proud. It is always so sad when our loved ones pass over but he is clearly not gone from your heart and you are so lucky to be able to cherish countless memories of him. What a life he must have led, no-one can complain about that!

    Best wishes to you all xx

  28. I'm sorry for your loss,Lola. What beautiful pictures you have of him & special memories to last forver..x


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