
Thursday, October 27, 2011

This Morning

This morning a fairy princess is home sick. She was in terrible shape and thought she might die, going to school was simply out of the question! However, now that we have called in to inform the school of her dire state and she is safely ensconced in the flannel jammies and a nest of pillows and blankets, she seems quite a lot better...hmmmm.

This morning I have 1998 emails in my inbox. This is ridiculous! This is because I am crazy. By crazy, I mean I do the same thing over and over while expecting a different result. Many of these emails are actually comments from my blog that I read early in the day, thinking to myself, 'Oh what a nice comment, I will have to reply to that lovely person later on when I have a minute.' So, I save the email to remind myself and when later finally comes, it's well past my bed time and I feel badly and think to myself, 'Right, first thing in the morning I'll send off some nice notes.' And then the cycle starts all over again. Beneath my calm, well organized surface, there lies a seething pit of chaos.

This morning I have to start a project that needs to be completed by this afternoon and I haven't the foggiest notion of what I am doing.

This morning it is cold and gray; I am contemplating a second cup of coffee and wondering if we have the ingredients for making scones, but knowing full well we do not have cream. There is no sense in making scones without cream, trust me.

This morning I am hoping that you are all well and happy.


  1. I think that the pretty fairy Princess will grant you at least one wish...perhaps it will be cream?

    Hope PG gets to feeling better soon. Interesting how the young ones feel better 'after' the phone call..Ha!

  2. This evening, I am hoping it has all gone well. I know too well that miraculous recovery once the school bell has been rung. Every time I vow I will never be taken in again and a limb will have to of fallen off before they have another day off. But all too soon I find my self making the same vow again, and again.

  3. DO NOT REPLY TO THIS COMMENT! We've all been there - take a break and enjoy your fairy, sick or well.

  4. Wishing you well! No need to reply. Really. Get your work done.

  5. Exactly the same way with my email! Right now there is 210 in one (business) and over 2000 in the other (personal)- I have a hard time hitting that delete button.
    Pony girl looks very Glenda good witchess, wish we lived closer because I'm sure Aries, who is Dorothy this year for Halloween, would love to play together. Glad she is feeling better.

  6. I remember those illnesses well where, when you knew school wasn't going to happen you suddenly felt so much better! ;)
    Vivienne x

  7. We quite often have that particular type of malaise over here - the children I mean!
    Actually I can relate to the other too .. and yes we are all well and happy, although it's night time now!
    Good to hear you're well now!
    Kate x

  8. I am most certainly well & how could I not be happy after such beautiful pictures of such a beautiful girl?!

    Really hope things stop beings so nuts for you soon Lovey; AND DO NOT SAVE THIS EMAIL. xx

  9. big love to you and be kind to yourself.
    I know that freaked overwhelmed feeling, which actually makes all the things seem worse and more overwhelming.
    and yes I'm guilty of that too with the whole comment thing. so you're human good. xo

  10. What a morning! I hope the fairy princess is soon recovered from her real or imagined illness and that your day gets some sunshine in it!

  11. ahh I had Busy pretending she was sick this morning as she wanted a "home day". she was fine as soon as she saw her buddies at preschool.

  12. You are the best, every one of you!

  13. Well you have a super cute fairy princess!

  14. I hope she is feeling better soon. It seems like everyone is getting sick lately. And it's too bad on Halloween, too! Especially with that cute costume.

    Good luck on your endeavors for the day.

  15. P.G. is ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!
    i love her.


I do so love you taking the time to leave a word, I read every comment and they truly make my day! Unfortunately, at this time I am unable to accept "Anonymous" comments.