
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Her head has no room

It is a dark and stormy day, it's raining hammers, it's raining nails, we might soon get washed away. I was sitting at my table printing red twigs on a beautiful sand beach of linen, thinking of holidays.

It has been a busy time, my head is so full of things to do. Are you busy too? Tomorrow the folks are on their way to visit for Thanksgiving Holiday. I have pumpkins to roast for pie, cranberry sauce to simmer with orange and ginger, rolls to bake and something else I can't remember just now. Family time will be good and we will eat lots of food. I don't know why I am rhyming.

For those of you in the States, I wish you a beautiful, happy, and safe holiday. For those of you abroad, I still wish you beautiful, happy and safe.

I'll be taking this week off from my shiny place here and I will see you next week. Take care my friends!


  1. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours too :)!!! My plan is to gobble up all that yummy food and go into a food coma.

  2. After a week of being under the weather and doing almost nothing around the house, I'm scrambling to get all caught up so I can totally relax the rest of the week. Hope you have a lovely Thanksgiving!

  3. Love your printing there Alex! What are you printing with?
    Same awful weather over here. I'm still in my pj's... ;-)

  4. Happy thanksgiving doll. Have a fantastic time. See you on the other side! xx

  5. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with you loved ones!
    Vivienne x

  6. Enjoy your break! Dinner at your place sounds divine..x

  7. Happy Thanksgiving. Enjoy. :) Liz

  8. Olá Parabéns pelo blog, estou gostando de conhecer tudo aqui.
    Vem participar do sorteio no meu blog.

    Bjs e até mais.


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