
Friday, August 17, 2012

The Simple Things

I just received some pretty exciting news! The folks responsible for Mollie Makes Magazine, are set to launch a new magazine this September called 'The Simple Things'!

It looks simply lovely!
Lyndsey Mayhew over at Mollie Makes sent me a little description of the new mag:

"A little bit about The Simple Things ...

The Simple Things is a new monthly print magazine celebrating the things that matter most. It’s about knowing the greatest rewards come from the simplest things, that there’s no satisfaction like that at the end of a long muddy walk, no pink so pretty as freshly-cut rhubarb, no perfume to compare with your own home-grown flowers. It’s about making warm inviting homes – big or small – sharing food with friends, growing your own vegetables. It’s about shopping for a coffee table only to find you’re happy with a tea chest. It’s keeping your dad’s old typewriter just because it’s beautiful. It’s an empty beach on a sunday morning. It’s backpedalling."

She also sent along a sampler link for me to share with you, hooray!

I am pretty excited to see the magazine in print, it seems to tick all the boxes and so pretty to look at! It will be available in the U.S. on the same schedule as Mollie Makes in many of the same places you find Mollie Makes, like Barnes and Noble for instance. It launches in the UK this September, so we should see it in the states the following month!

Here are all the links to like:

The Simple Things
On Twitter
On Facebook

Congratulations and best wishes on the launch of your new magazine! Can't wait!


  1. Oooo, can't wait to get it in my hands, I always love another great magazine on the shelves! xo

  2. I invested the £5 on a 3 month trial so I hope it's as good as it sounds!

  3. Sounds good! And congrats on your book which I have spotted in the sidebar - can't wait to see it!

    Pomona x

  4. That looks lovely, will definitely be searching it out!

  5. Looks excellent, i will look out for it.
    Carol xx

  6. Looks great, love the front cover and I the look and feel of the inside, the articles look bang on too - thanks you for sharing xx

  7. Love it! I can't wait for it to come out!! Thanks for sharing! Have a great week! xo Heather

  8. This magazine seems right up my ally. Thanks for sharing!


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