
Wednesday, January 23, 2013


As a blogger, a maker and an observer, I take a lot of photos. A ridiculous amount sometimes. Very few of the photos I take actually make to my blog, or see the light of day ever again. I take a lot of photos so that I can get at least one or two that I am happy with. Or I just take photos of things that catch my eye, but don't necessarily "belong" anyplace. My image files are filled with Outtakes.

Sometimes these outtakes are images I truly like though. Like a picture taken during the process of making something, a pile of scraps that are destined for the rubbish bin. The above shot actually gave me an idea for another project.

Maybe a big mess gets in the shot. A tangled nest of brightly colored ribbons; the "before" pic so to speak, the "after" pic shows them all prettily organized (ok, it will show them all prettily organized when I finally get around to it).

Sometimes these Outtakes show the essence of something; a moment, a character, the truth. And so I have a real soft spot for some of them.

Like these photos of a model who is well and truly "Over It"!

Are your photo files full of Outtakes too?


  1. What a face! Or series of faces.
    Too many photos to know what to do with.

  2. So full, but I can't resist. That little model is a gorgeous character, even when she's over it! x

  3. Full to the brim with outtakes! Love those of pony girl. I have a real hard time letting go of ones that are of the kids - even if they only have one eye open.

  4. I have hundreds (thousands) clogging up my computer because I am too lazy to delete them, much to hubby's chagrin.

    Outtakes always provide some good candidates for 18th birthdays though ;)

  5. Love the ones of your sweet girl!! Too fun! Hope you are having a lovely day! xo Heather

  6. yes they are ! full of these pictures ... and by writing this post, you encouraged me to dive into my files, today but maybe also more often, thank you ! that the power of blogs ! a little echo of your post on my blog


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